Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
257 छिक्क d (छुप्त) (626.167) touched. See H. 8.2.138; Desr (p. 122) छित्त - छीएसु छिक्कं
छिण्णाली d (स्वैरिणी) (153.575) an unchaste, wanton woman, Read DeST (p. 119): जारेसु
छिण्ण-छिण्णाला । छिण्णो तथा छिण्णालो जार : 'जारेषु' इति एकशेषाद् बहुवचनात 'छिण्णा छिण्णाली
स्त्री' इत्यपि । छित्त d (=स्पृष्ट) (29.48;166.76) touched. छिप्प d (= स्पृश्) (29.442) to touch. छु / छोक्कारण (छूत्कारण or छूत्करण ? ) (811.196) छु / छोक्कारण “perhaps stands for छूत्कारण
(छूत्करण) corresponding to Marathi छू करणे, to make the sound छू in order to make a dog run away, to chase away some unwanted person or animal. For छूत्करण compare घूत्करण पूत्करण, फूत्करण, थूत्करण, धूत्करण etc. ---you are right
in saying that takut is an onomatopoeic word."-- M.V. Patwardhan. छुरिअ (क्षुरित) (2.528) besmeared, covered -ppp. from छुर to cover, smear, envelop. छूढ (क्षिप्त) (29.12; 43.348) thrown down. छेअ (-रअ) (छेक (-रत)) (635.168) technically perfect (or sophisticated) sexual
___enjoyment. छेज्ज (? छेअ -) (i छेद ii छेक) (156.371) (i) aperture, breach (ii) a kind of alliteration . . called छेकानुप्रास. छेत्त - (क्षेत्र-) सीमा (598.161) the outskirts of the locality or site (of the village). जंगलुग्गार (जागलोद्गार) (18.45)जागल = मांस flesh, उद्गार eructation or belching, hence
the eructation of the flesh. जंभाइअ (जृम्भायित, जृम्भित) (223.385) yawning. जग्गाविअ or जग्गविअ (जागरित) (1102.245) kept awake. जडा (-पब्भार) जटा (-प्राग्भार) (154.73) the great mass of matted hair. जणेइ (caus. pres. 3rd per. sing. of जण, जनयति (177.78) produces, gives. जण्णवाड (यज्ञवाट) (80.355) sacrificial enclosure. जरखंडी (जरा-खण्डिता) (205.84) torm, tattered.