Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
मोहण (मोहन) (20.544) sexual intercourse. रंग (रङ्ग) (657.172) a stage, play-house, theatre, any place of public amusement. रणरणअ (रणरणक) (47.445; 1288.279) affliction or torment as caused by love. रंभोरु (रंभोरू) (106.361) (a maiden / woman) having thighs like the interior of a plantain
tree, i.e., full, round and hence lovely. रत्ति (रत्तिं accu. of time रात्रिं, रात्रौ) (141.70) during the (preceding) night. रत्तिअंधअ (रात्रि + अन्धक = रात्र्यन्धक) (2.6) night-blind. रवितणय (रवितनय = कर्ण) (*5.476) the ear. राइल्ल (रागिन्, रागयुक्त) (645.170) (madder-) dyed, coloured. राया (राजा, राजन् m. nom. sing.) (36.553) the moon. रिछोली d (पङ्क्ति) (*9.477) a series, line, swarm. Read Desi. p. 234 : रिछोली पंतीए
रिञ्छोली पङ्क्ति :। रिट्ठ (अरिष्ट) (354.72) the bull demon Arista. Read 'अरिष्टो नाम वृषभाकृति : कंसामात्यो महासुरः।
अरिष्टशब्दस्य आद्याक्षरलोप :।' रुआविअ (रोदित) (191.81) - caus. ppp. of रुअ (रुद) to weep; 'made to weep', were
made to pity. रुइर (रोदनशील) (1351.289) weeping. रुज्ज (रोदन) (1288.279) weeping. रुक्ख (? रुज्ज,रुण्ण) (रोदन) (223.385) weeping. रुण्ण (रुदित) (132.68) ppp. of रुद् to weep, wept. रुव्व (रुद्) (243.94) to weep. For - रुद changing to रुव. Read H. 8.4.226 : रुद-नमोर्वः ॥ अनयोरन्त्यस्य वो भवति । रुवइ --- and for duplication of व read H. 8.4.249 : गमादीनां । द्वित्वम् ||--- रुव्वइ रुविज्जइ--- | रोअण (रोचन, रोचना) (3.340; 79.527) a bright yellow pigmment prepared from the urine
or bile of a cow, a kind of yellow pigment. लंकालय (लकालय) (37.443) (i) लङ्कायां (=शाखायाम्) आलयो येषां ते Those which are resting