Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
कूर boiled rice. कलमगोवी (कलमगोपी) (314.404) a (young) woman guarding a paddy field, a female
keeper or warden of the paddy-field. कलहायंती (fem. pres. act. part. from denom कलहाय from the noun कलह) (190.81). काणा-महिला (=काण-महिला) (726.183) The wife of a man blind in one eye. काण means 'one-eyed (person)'; the elongation of the final ain काण is for the sake of metre. कारिल्लअ d (कारवल्ली (फल)) (127.365) The fruit of the creeper called कारव (वे) ली; Cf.
Marathi कारले. काल-उरई (काल-उरगी) (7.535) A female deadly or venomous snake.
Cf. कालसर्प - the black and most venomous variety of the cobra. कालकूड (कालकूट) (133.571) the deadly poison, produced at the churning of the ocean, swallowed by Siva and eausing the blueness of his neck. कालक्खरिअ (कालाक्षरिक) (570.156); कालक्खर (कालाक्षर). - one who can read and decipher (a pupil who has begun to read), a learned man,
a scholar (?) as opposed to अक्षरवर्जित - unlettered, illiterate. कावालिणी (कापालिकी) (25.545) कापालिक (Name of) A Saiva ascetic who carries a human
skull and uses it as a receptacle for his food, hence 191fcct, a female Saiva .! ascetic. किसि-एलाल (कृषि-पलाल) (1.495) : the harvest (corn crop) and dry cut stalks of kinds ____of grain (as material for bedding, thatching, packing). किसोअरि Voc. of किसोअरी (कृशोदरी) (59.53; 60.434) 'O, thin-waisted one', 'o, fair one'. कीस (कस्मात्) (1318.284). Whence; see H. 8. 3. 68 --- किम: -- || किणो। कीस । कम्हा। कुज्ज -(कुसुम) (कुब्ज - कुसुम) (3.436)- a kind of flower; (the flower of Trapa bispinosa) कुडंग d (लतागृहम्) (6.1) A place overgrown with plants or creepers, a bower, an arbour. Read Desi. (p. 80): कुडय-कुडंगा लयाहरए ।
'कुडयं तथा कुडंग लतागृहम्। कुप्पासअ (कूसक) (23.533) a bodice, choli