Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
1452. As the cakravāka embraces the love-lorn Lotus-creeper that has stretched out on the watery bed along the bank of the lake and has the face of a fully blown red lotus, he seeks his mate with doleful cries.
1453. The rapturous delight of mounting your loins does not fall to the lot of anyone else. Only the golden girdle receives the reward for the penance it has performed through being heated in fire and dipped in water. 1454. For translation vide SPS. No. (1229.268) supra
1455. For translation vide SPS. No. (197.83) supra
1456. The lovely arrangement of her hair leaving tresses slightly loose and the parting line straight and thin, decorated with bright mustard seeds, looks charming.
(Verse 1457 is treated in the Notes.)
(Verse 1458 is treated in the Notes.)
(Verse 1459 is corrupt and obscure.)
1460. Two slender arms stretching out to hold the beloved in an embrace at the entrance of the bedroom sending the plump round breasts in a graceful undulating movement - well, that is a delightful sight.
1461. If you don't want to touch a woman in her period (puspavati), why do you then stand in front of me although I have prevented you ? Now I have touched you with my hands outstretched and itching hands.
1462. If you don't mind, my dear; on one side of the bed, at your feet I'll sleep without touching you; know it well that women in their period are not to be shunned during nights.
(Note: The Prakrit passage which follows verse 1462 (p 1182) is corrupt and obscure.)
(Verse 1463 is corrupt and obscure.)
1464. The happy sex-game of the previous night has put this young wife (or daughter-in-law) to deep sleep, so relaxing to her overworked limbs but