Prakrit Verscs in Sanskrit Works on Poctics
158. The herd of cattle, with their faces continually raised somehow enters the village
roads - the herd being scattered (off and on) by the multitude of people set out in the opposite directon (? pratipatha).
159. Flocks of birds that are forced to take an upward slight by the opposing wind,
later drop down from the sky and come to perch on the mountains below. 160. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (602.162) supra. 161. The poor girl wept as long as one could; her body with its stooping limbs thinned
till it couldn't thin any further and she sighed until sighs were no longer possible.
162. Bow to Sūkara (i.e., Varāha, Vişnu's third incarnation) who first sent the demon
Hiranyākša to meet Yama, the God of Death (lit. fire sent within the range of the sight of Yama) and then raised up the Earth (from the bottom of the ocean where it was dragged by Hiranyākşa) and thus brought it within the range of his sight -- recovered it.
163. For translation vide A'Ratnākara S. No. (110.566) supra. 164. For translation vide SP S. No. (634.168) supra. 165. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (155.73) supra.
166. In this world of mortals there is nothing more difficult to bear than death. But
sometimes such a sorrow visits a person that death alone becomes a welcome remedy.
167. May the hand of Kumāra (Kārtikeya) who sucks the breast of Pārvati (in the
famous Ardhanārīśvara form of Siva) — the hand that gropes around for the other breast on the male side, protect you!
168. Govinda (Visnu) in his fifth or Vāmana incarnation humbled (lit. bound)the
demon Bali through trickery and grew bigger and bigger so much (with pride) that the whole of the world could not hold him, isn't it then remarkable that my dear girl who has bound three valis (three folds on her stomach) goes about modestly with her bent head ?