Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
22. Victorious is the Man-Lion's massive neck with its brownish mane, which is,
as it were, a collection of lightning streaks hanging loose on his neck without the support of the clouds which have been blown off the Lion's roar.
23. For translation vide VS. No. (1.19) supra.
24. The same lower lip of the beloved yields a variety of pleasures : When on request
it submits itself to a kiss, or when a kiss is violently planted on it, and it is still a different kind of pleasure when the lip offers itself voluntarily for a kiss.
(Verse 25 is treated in the Notes.)
*26. When the charming moon-faced young women retire to their bed-rooms, their
usual maids who always accompany them, the jewelled girdles which are the usual companions of their hips and the bashfulness, the usual resident of their hearts, withdraw.
27. The sun is the glory of the sky, rasa of poetry, love of youth, nectar of the
sea and of this earth, you 0, King.
*28. Some pass the course of worldly life-utilize their life in acquiring religious
merit, while some others accumulate material wealth, some however enjoy only sensuous pleasure, but in the case of many others, well, life passes just like that.
29. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (51.431) supra.
*30. Sesa, the king of snakes, resplendent on account of the precious stone in his
hood and your staff-like strong and firm arm with its end, the fingers, decorated with the (spotless) mirrors, your nails, are the two props, O, king, that support the Earth.
*31. There is goose-flesh on the body; the lower lip is quivering and the speech
comes with a hiss: the cold weather has done what a lover normally does.
32. You are balancing on your clean-shaven head a badara-phala (a jujubi fruit)
or berry and on the top of that you are balancing another in a perfectly steady manner, since you are trying, O, foolish ignorant man, to deceive clever people, I think, you are (only) deceiving yourself.