Chapter XIII : (Kalpalatăviveka)
1. The Jinas (Conquerors or Victors) teach that human and heavenly pleasures are
only insubstantial like straw or chaff of the grain and that the Jain dharma liberates (its followers) from saṁsāra and leads to eternal bliss.
2. For translation vide KP S. No. (39.428) supra
3. For translation vide SK S. No. (5.340) supra
4. Hearing the 'tap', 'tap'tap' sound of the rain on the leaves of the gourd - creeper,
the traveller's wife, full of deep longing (for her husband who hadn't yet returned home from his journey though the rainy season had set in) burst out weeping.
5. For translation vide Rudrața's Kāvyālamkāra with Namisādhu's Tippaņa S. No.
(*14.4) supra.
6. For translation vide DIIVS. No. (59.18) supra 7-8. For translation vide DHV S. No. (14.8) supra
9. For translation vide DHV S. No. (33.12) supra
10. For translation vide SK. S. No. (2.339) supra.
11. For translation vide SK. S. No. (20.343) supra.
12. For translation vide SK. S. No. (6.340) supra
13. For translation vide SK S. No. (12.341) supra
14. For translation vide VJ S. No. (18.23) supra. 15. For translation vide SK S. No. (7.340) supra 16. For translation vide KP S. No. (44.429) supra 17. For translation vide DHV S. No. (1.6) supra 18. For translation vide DIV S. No. (2.6) supra