Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
26. The real lotus is only in the shape of your hand; the real moon can be seen
only in your face. The lotus (in the pond) is nothing more than a lotus as the
moon (in the sky) is nothing more than the moon. 27. For translation vide DHV S.No.(14.8) supra
29. Who would not be assured of life or if dead brought back to life when prostrate
at (or touched by) Krşna's feet? But this bull Arista died at his hands after all a bull!
30. The lord of gods, Indra, is indeed made of wood since he does not sprout out
young shoots when the farmer's daughter touched him with her hands, tender like lotus - potals.
31. For translation vide DHV S.No.(31.12) supra
32. The young bride's beauty, as it were, sprouts out of her slender hands, sparkles
out of her eyes and swells out of her round breasts.
33. Why should the Night not pine away when she sees in the evening her lover,
the Moon embracing East after kissing the face of the beginning) of the Night-fall and then going in the company Jyotsna (Moon - light) to meet West, his other sweetheart ?
34. For translation vide ŚP S.No.(25.47), and ŚP (24.47) respectively for the first
and second line.
35. For translation vide DHV S.No.(14.8) supra
36. For translation vide DHV S.No.(11.8) supra
37. Because of malicious or mischievous people who like to insert a pestle into a
needle's eye I have not been able to see him, even to look at him, though we live in the same village.
2. Note : "The rainy season is described in the above terms because it completely halted Räma's war - like preparations for Rāvana's defeat and the recovery of his beloved wife Sita.'