Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
it on her ear; by a significant smile and glance she conveyed to her brother-in-law that he had failed to keep the appointment.
898. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (263.98) supra. 899. When on the morning after, the young man sees the lotus-face of his
sweetheart flushed with bashfulness, the joy of satisfaction he gets cannot be equalled even by the raptures of his first coitus with her.
900. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (734.185) supra. 901. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (58.54), DHV S. No. (5.7) supra. 902. For translation vide ŚPS. No. (52.53) supra. DHV S. No. (31.12) supra.
903. "Tidy up your clothes, stupid girl. Now, you brother-in-law's little son, get
going. You are slender waisted and from your thin arms no wonder, your bangles are slipping down" said a companion of the girl whose indiscreet love affair she was trying to cover up.
(Verse 904 is treated in the Notes.)
905. While talking to your brother-in-law's wise, the way you try to cover your
lower lip that has been cracked by winter shows, O, you foolish girl, that you are in pain.
907. Then the Master Acala said : If within some days you do not bring to my
feet the courtezan (Devadattā), I shall certainly die.
908. Hey, young man, just a word with you. But then I would rather not say it.
Let her go to blazes ! What do I care for such a fool who thoughtlessly got involved with a heartless fellow like you.
1. 3TTIT ER Utaze, ailes (? at 634-) RRRT YTT37 3a ! तुह कम्म-वावड-तणु-तणुलआएँ गलंति वलआई ।। (सखि धर नेपथ्यं तावद् हतदेवरस्य पुत्रक अपैहि ।
Taft Act 11)