Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
the season, always fragrant and rich in the honey of flowers.
871. O, You have made me thin ; You have taught me to weep long; you have
emboldened me to be disrespectful; now please don't come to disregard me.
872. (i) It is only some Karmas (done in the past lives) that urge a helpless person
to seek happiness in the love of an inaccessible person.
(ii) We wouldn't know how that love will end—it began thus : deep inhalations drying the whole body and heavy exhalations (with the emended reading : ņīsāsāsāsa).
873. My friend, why do you torment us with your shaking of head and with heavy
sighs interspersed with your indifferent hums at every word (spoken by us) ?
874. This business of love ! It is an altogether different kind of secret, dear (lit.
O, fair one). It shows more when concealed than when revealed.
875. My friend, today while crossing (the river) Muralā I spoke these words to
that young man meaning to tell him that he had failed to keep the
appointment. 876. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (707.179) supra. 877. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (770.191) supra. 878. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (630.167) supra. 879. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (388.122) supra.
(Verse 880 is treated in the Notes.)
(Verse 881 is treated in the Notes.)
882. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (40.50), DIIV S. No. (15.9) supra.
883. What do you think brings lovers close to each other ? – a friend, a
messenger, or a wood-grove on the river-bank ? It is the pitch darkness, a loving friend of all wanton women !
884. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (363.118) supra.