Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poe:ics
who is 'notorious for spoiling the performance (by her seductive beauty, arresting the attention of both the actors and the spectators towards herself) does not attend the performance.
661. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (530.150) supra. 662. Those very words that we speak are used by every one else. But when he
speaks them, they enrapture my heart. 663. Other beautiful women too have in their faces oval-shaped eyes with long
lashes and dark balls on their whites but they don't have the art (knack) to use them effectively.
664. The washerman's daughter who spoke charmingly and who had prominent
and quivering breasts made all men stay at the ghāta of the river as if it was their home.
665. You silly woman, aren't you ashamed when you ask me about the life of
my husband? What is the use of abundance of flowers to a maruvaka plant which is all fragrant ?
666. When the young maiden yawns and encircles her lotus-like face with her
languid arms, it looks like the moon with its halo.
667. In this wide world and its thousands of beautiful women she alone has her
(extremely beautiful) right side exactly like the (extremely beautiful) left.
(Verse 668 is corrupt and obscure.) 669. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (155.73) supra. 670. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (41.50) - VJ. S. No. (1.19) supra
671. For translation vide SP S. No. (32.48) supra.
672. The charming woman swells with youth like a river in spate, unsteady,
forceful, captivating and irresistible.
673. (The image of) the woman you love rises / appears imperceptibly in your
mind while you are making love to another woman in whom you may or