sects are for b., others for the Baudhîputra, n, of a teacher, 15, omission of b., 8, 375; rules about 224 n. b. for Buddhist Bhikkhus, 13, 44 Baungha, son of Suungha, 23, 218. sq.; 17, 35, 39; 20, 66-8, 110; Bâvarî, 11. of a teacher, 10 (ii), xii; the pupil should attend to his disciples of B., 10 (ii), xii sq. ; his upagghầya when he is going to the accomplishinents, and the three gantâghara (hot sitting bath), 13, marks on his limbs, 10 (ii), 189; 157 sq.; rules about b. for Buddhist the Brâhmana B. cursed by another nuns, 20, 367-9; prescribed for the Brâhmana, is comforted by a deity, ascetic as a penance for uninten- and shown by Buddha 'the way to tional injury to living beings, 25, the other shore,' 10 (ii), 184-213. 210 ; definition of Snâna or b., 29, Bawri = Babylon, 23, 60, 60 n. 375; Gaina monks should abstain Bayak, n. of a demon, 5, 132, 1321). from b., 45, 296 sq. See also Ablu- Beasts, see Animals. tions, and Purification.
Beatitude, highest. See Bliss, Bath-houses, a king overthrown by Highest good, Nirvana, and Rethe Magi for having built, 4, lxxvii, lease. lxxviin.
Beauty, goddess of, see Lakshmi, Bathing-places, holy, see Holy and Sri. places.
Beaver, see Animals (k). Battle, battle charms, battle songs, Bedr, allusions to the battle of, 6, see War.
Xxxvi sq., 47 n., 61-6, 66 n., 86 n., Bauddha doctrines, see Buddhism. 165 n., 171 n. ; 9, 20 n., 62 n., 70 Baudhayana, relation between the n., 257 n., 274 n., 276 n. schools of B. and Apastamba, 2, Bees, simile of the b. collecting xvi, xix-xxiv, xxiv n. ; 25, xciii; honey, 1, 101; 8, 188, 309, 309 11. ; wrote a commentary on the Ve- the b. inspired by the Lord to dânta-sútras, 8, 32; deplorable build hives, 6, 257; antelope, state of the MSS. of the Sûtras elephant, butterfly, b., and fish, 8, of B., 14, xxix-XXXV; Srautasútra, 155 n.; omen of b. making honey Grihyasútra, and Dharmasútra, their in the house, 29, 139. relation to one another, 14, Xxx Begging, for him who knows breath sq., 150 sq. n.; the Grilyasútra of as Brahman there is the secret B. and its Parisishtas, 14, xxxii sq.; row Beg not,' 1, 280, 281; rules his position among the teachers of about b. for the Brahmakârin, his the Taittirîya-veda, 14, XXXV- duty of b., 2, 11-14, 190 sg.; 7, 115, xxxix; teachers on Dharma quoted 117, 120; 8, 360; 14, 57 sq., 151 by B., 14, xl sq., xl n. ; belongs to sq., 157; 25, 39, 63 sq. ; 29, 68, Southern India, 14, xli-xliii; his 73, 191, 308 sq., 402; 30, 67, 157; date, 14, xliii; mentioned in the 33, 132; 44, 49 sq.; part of a Baudhâyana-Dharmasútra, 14, 160, penance, 2, 89 sq., 283, 289; 14, 160 n., 163 sq., 297, 297 n., 299, 124, 211, 300, 309, 327; 25, 445, 336; Kanva B. satiated at the 455, 467, 481; when b. is lawful, 2, Tarpana, 14, 255. See also Bodhâ- 123 sq., 203 sq. ; 14, 240; 25, yana,
424-7, 430 sq. and n.; rules about Baudhầyana-Dharmasûtra, its b. for the ascetic, 2, 154, 194 ; 7, relation to the Gautama-Dharma- 279; 8, 362-4; 14, 47, 260, 279sítra, 2, lij-Ivii, lix sq. ; to the 81, 283; 25, 208 sq. ; a means of Vishnu-smriti, 7, xix sq. ; relation livelihood for Brâhmanas, 2, 227; between the B. and Vâsishtba 14, 288 sq. ; 25, 128 sq.; to subsist Dharmasastra, 14, xvii, xxi; belongs on alms is better than fasting, 14, to the Black Yagur-veda, 14, xxix; 46; rules about b. for the Snataka, interpolations in B., 14, xxxii-xxxv; 14, 159; 25, 134; 29, 124; food Vedic texts quoted in the B., 14, which a student obtains by b. is xxxix sq. ; text and translation of always pure, 14, 170; 25, 192; a the B., 14, xliii-xlv, 141-333. sin for one who has finished stu
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