Visva, intelligent in the wo the gro
sq.,484, 506; is undefined, represents n., 32, 57 sq., 67, 76 sq., 85-92, 291all deities, 12, 160, 160 n.; 41, 179, 5, 300, 300 n., 309, 313-15, 321-7, 215; 43, 37; 44, 183, 484, 506; is 341, 355 sq.; 44, 314 n., 322 n., 406 speech, 12, 171, 41, 24; 44, 353; n., 432 n.; play on the word praga is the highest light, the heavenly in P., 43, xvi; the Year, as Death, 43, world, 12, 269, 269 n., 328; the xxiii, 356-8; is Mind, 43, xxiv; sacred fire is P., 12, 346, 349; is the identified with the Veda, 43, xxvi; devatâ of the person in the seed, 15, identified with Agni or the fire-altar, 145; is everything here, 15, 190; 26, 43, 13, 28-31, 42, 49, 54, 57, 70 sq., 411; 41, 2 sq., 8, 15, 33; 44, 405; is 92, 127, 159 sq., 181, 270, 281, 290 the heart, 15, 190; identified with the sq., 309, 312 sq., 44, xiv ; became a month, day and night, and food, 15, metre, 43, 36 sq.; is eighteenfold, 272 sq.; is prâna or breath, 15, 275; 43, 66 ; P.'s layer (of the fire-altar), 26, 408; 41, 192; 42, 219; called 43, 81; identified with the KhandaVisva, is the Person who makes the syâs, 43, 114; 'Heart of P.,' a body intelligent, 15, 292, 304; Sâman hymn, 43, 180, 180 n.; conuttered the world in the words Bhûh, sists of sixteen parts, 43, 189; is all Bhuvah, Svar, 15, 308; the gross the sacrificial animals, 43, 299 sq. ; body of P., 15, 308 sq.; in the sun, the metres in relation to P., 43, 15, 318; Om is Brahman and P., 25, 327–30; is the sacrificial horse, the 45, 45 n.; the father is the image of universe, 43, 401, 401 n.; 44, xlvii P., 25, 71; identified with Puru- sq., 274 n., 314 n., 322 n.; spoke at sha's) organ of generation, 25, 512; the end of a year, 44, 12 sq.; six poridentified with Purusha, the Man, tions of P. in the new and full moon 25, 513; 41, 366; 43, xv, xxiv; the sacrifice, 44, 52, 54; is the body, 44, lord of thought and speech, 26, 17, 105; there must be no questioning 17 n.; the she-goat is P.'s kind, 26, beyond the god P., 44, 117 n.; as 71; the Soma plant called P., P. is the year P. is twenty-fourfold, 44, King Soma, 26, 248, 248 n.; 44, 141 n.; how is it that Sacrifice, Man, 205; the Udgâtri is P., 26, 327; and P. do not exceed one another? offers himself or is offered up as a 44, 165 sq.; the Asvamedha is P., sacrifice, 26, 327 n.; 43, xv-xvii, 44, 301,352 sq., 375; is both defined xxi, 304 sq.; goats and sheep like and undefined, both limited and unP., 26, 407; everything here is after limited, 44, 454 sq. See also Purusha. P., 26, 408; the Amsu graha is P., Pragâpatî Gautamî, see Gautamî. 26, 423-6; 44, 105; he who sacri- Pragâpati Kratu, n. of a saint, 15, fices for a year is as P., 26, 430; the xlvii, 291, 295 sq., 299. niystical syllable hiñ of P., 29, 298; Pragâpativâkya, in the Khậndogyais seventeenfold, 41, 8, 14 sq., 22, Upanishad, 34, lxiii. 24 sq., 31, 34, 37, 40, 79, 118, 174; Pragâthas, the poets of the 8th 43, 62, 76, 190, 347 sq., 44, 170, Mandala of the Rig-veda, 1, 216 ; 301, 352, 384 ; represents produc- receive a libation at the Tarpana, tiveness, 41, 15 sq.; is father and 29, 122. mother, 41, 28; is mysterious, 41, Pragñâ, see Self-consciousness. 89; P. and Ushas, master and mis- Pragñakûta, n. of a Bodhisattva, 21, tress of the house, 41, 158; is the 248-54. three worlds and the quarters, and Pragña-pâramitâ,transcendent wisthe fourth beyond, 41, 192 sq.; 43, dom preached by Buddha, 49 (ii), xx; 44, 4; he who builds a house is 111, 124 sq., 127, 139, 147-9, a P. on high, 42, 194; P. Paramesh- 153 sq. thin and the Brahmakârin (the sun), Pragña-pâramitâ-hridaya-sûtra, 42, 215 sq.; is in the ukkhishta, 42, the largerand the smaller, translated, 226, 228 ; speculations about P. the 49 (ii), xii, xx, 145-54. Lord of Creatures or generation, 43, Prahlâda, Indra killed his people in xiv-xxvii ; the Sacrificer identified heaven, 1, 293; chief among demons, with P., 13, Xv-xvii, xix-xxiv, 1 sq. 8, 89, 89 n.
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