Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 514
________________ SÂMA-VEDA-SAMGHA 497 Hrincipalvice in of hosp. 11,27e 99 1 ,112 ted, slitra, 29" to s xxvi n.; is sacred to the manes, 25, who have formerly been followers 148; followers of the S. quoted by of another doctrine, have to remain Apastamba, 30, 285; the pranava four months on probation (parivasa) belonging to the Rig-veda is con- before being accepted in the S., 10 nected with the S. meditation on (ii), 94 sq.; 11, 109; 13, 188; the udgîtha, 38, 282 n.; a certain amongst those that wish for good mantra of the S. to be recited in works and make offerings the S. is the Yagurveda style, 48, 654. See the principal, 10 (ii), 105; 17, 134; also Sâman, Udgîtha, and Veda. religious service in the S., 11, 16; Sâmavidhâna, in the Gautama worthy of honour, of hospitality, of Dharma-sútra, 2, 296-9, and n. gifts, and of reverence, &c., 11, 27; Samaya (annihilation) is the princi- Buddha explains to Ananda that the pal thing, 10 (ii), 167. S. was not dependent on him, 11, Sambara, an evil demon, 42, liv; 36-9; 35, 225; the S. allowed by 46, 49. Buddha to abolish after his death Sambavya, author of Grihya-sûtra, all the lesser and minor precepts, 29, 257 n. 11, 112; 35, 202-4; he who has Sâmbavya-Grihya-sûtra, quoted, doubts in the S. is not free from 29, 3 sg.; its relation to Sânkhâ- spiritual barrenness, 11, 224, 228 yana-Grihya-sûtra, 29, 6-9. sq.; penitential meetings in the S., Sambhava, n. of a Buddha-sphere, 13, x sq. ; an organized brother21, 153. hood from the first, 13, xi sq.; Sambhava, n. of a Tîrthakara, 22, sins which require formal meet280. ings of the S., 13, 7-15; how Sambhu, a name of the great self, the Bhikkhu is to behave towards or the highest Brahman, 8, 219, one not received into the higher 332; 15, 311; 48, 667 ; pierced by grade of the S., 13, 32 sq. ; property the arrow of the love-god, 49 (i), of the S., 13, 34, 52; 17, 143; 20, 139. 209-12; a person under twenty Sambhûta, dialogue between Kitra years of age must not be admitted and, 45, 56-61; stories of Kitra and to the higher grade in the S., 13, S. in various births common to 46; misbehaviour of a Bhikkhu in a Brahmans, Gainas, and Buddhists, regularly constituted S., 13, 52; 45, 56 sq. n. disciplinary proceedings against Sambhûta Sânavâsî, n. of a Thera, Bhikkhus by the S., 13, 68 sq., 161 17, 238; joins Yasa in convening sq., 306 sqq. ; 17, 276-84, 329-83; the council of Vesâlî, and becomes the Si's permission must be asked one of the referees, 20, 394-407. for having the new-coming BhikSambhûtavigaya, n. of a Sthavira, khus shaved, 13, 201; the two S., 22, 287; his twelve disciples and viz. that of Bhikkhus and that of seven female disciples, 22, 289. Bhikkhunîs, 13, 256 n.; 17, 253 sq.; Sambodhi, the holy eightfold Path 20, 343 sq., 352; validity and inleading to, 13, 94-7. See also Know- validity of formal acts of the S., 13, 277-9; 17, 256-84, 290 sq.; an exSâmbu Angiras, the kushtba plant, traordinary U posatha may be held thrice begotten by, 42, 6, 678. for the sake of composing a schism Sambuddha, the perfectly enlight in the S., 13, 297; it is a grievous ened, title of the Buddha, 10 (ii), sin to cause divisions in the S., 13, 186-8, 190, 212 sq. 316 sq.; for the sake of concord Samgayin, an ascetic, converted by among the S., Pavâranâ may be Buddha, 49 (i), 191. held on another day but the PavaSamgha, Buddhist Church, the ranâ day, 13, 337, 337 n.; on the Order (of monks) : happy is peace apportioning of food in times of in the S., 10 (i), 52; the thoughts scarcity, 17, 70 sq., 74-8, 118; 20, of the disciples of Gotama are al- 220 sq.; distributions of robes for ways set on the S., 10 (i), 71; those the S., the Kathina ceremonies, 17, S.B. IND. Digitized by Microsoft ® ledge. Kk


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