Vatsaliya (Prk. Vakkhaligga) Kula, of the Kârana Gana, 22, 291; of the Kautika Gana, 22, 292. Vatsanapât Bâbhrava, n. of a teacher, 15, 119, 187. Vatsapra hymn, see Prayers (c). Vatsas, make five Avadâna cuttings, 12, 192 n. Vatsimandaviputra, n. of a teacher, 15, 224 11. Vâtsiputra, n.p., 15, 224 n., 225. Vâtsya, n. of a teacher, 12, xxxiii; 15, 118 11., 119, 186 n., 187, 227; 43, 272, 404. Vâtsya gotra, Sthiragupta of the,
22, 295. Vattagâmani, King, Buddhist canon written down during his reign, 10 (i), xiii sq., xxv, xxxix. Vatthugâthâs, certain verses of the Sutta-nipâta so called, 10 (ii), 56, 125-8, 184-90. Vatthu-vigga, a quack science, 11,
19 n.
Vâvâtâ, t.t., the king's favourite wife, 44, 387. Vavri Atreya, author of a Vedic hymn, 46, 407. Vayasa, knew the kushtha plant, 42, 6, 681.
Vayodhas, see Indra (a). Vayu, or Vâi, or Vâê, the Genius of Destiny, good or evil, 4, 52, 52 n., 89 n.; 24, 17, 17 n.; invoked by Zarathustra, 4, 213 sq., 213 1.; good Vaê comes to meet the departed soul, 4, 373; pitiless V. or Destiny, 4, 382 sq.; meat-offering to V., 5, 336, 336 n.; cake-offering to the good V., the spirit of air, 5, 383; 18, 62, 62 n.; stationed at the Kinvad bridge, 5, 383 n.; 'the good spirit,' 18, 59 n., 64 n.; the bad V., identified with the demon of death, 18, 62, 62 n.; the long-continuing lord, 18, 78, 78 n.; the bad V. who carries off the soul, 18, 93, 96, 341, 341 n., 353, 353 n.; powerful to destroy, invoked, 23, 10, 18, 34, 334; worshipped in the Ram Yast, 23, 249-63; one part of V. belongs to the Good Spirit, one to the Evil Spirit, 23, 250, 250 n., 260, 260 n., 262 sq.; invoked by maids for a husband, 23, 258, 258 n.; glorification of his many names,
23, 258-62; works the good of Ahura-Mazda and the AmeshaSpentas, 23, 259; invoked in battle, 23, 260 sq.; Sovereign V. of the long Period, invoked, 23, 350, 350 n., 353; no one can escape from V. the bad, 24, 89, 89 n.; warning against the demon V., 31, 189, 192 sq. and n.; V. whose influence appertains to Spenta-Mainyu, worshipped, 31, 271 sq., 272 n., 277; Khûsrôi's meeting with V., 37, 223-5, 223 sq. n. See also Râm. Vayu, Air, Wind, Vedic god. (a) V. in mythology. (b) Worship of V.
V. who dwells in the sky, who dwells in the world, 1, 37; 15, 334; is the child of the quarters, 1, 49; 15, 221; 41, 188; is one foot of Brahman, 1, 54; V. (and Prâna) as Brahman, 1, 55-8, 55 m., 58 n.; 15, 302 sq.; 38, 19 n.; is the end of all, 1, 58; in the shape of the bull of the herd, tended by Satyakâma, explains one foot of Brahman, 1, 61; V. or he who purifies is the sacrifice, 1, 68 sq.; is the essence squeezed out from the sky, 1, 70; the Yagur-veda squeezed out from V., 1, 70; 44, 102; if Udâna is satisfied, V. is satisfied, and ether is satisfied, 1, 91; could not take up a straw put before him by Brahman, 1, 150; is the deity who lays hold of food (by the apâna or downbreathing, digestion), 1, 241; world of V. on the path of the gods, 1, 275; 38, 384-6; 48, 745 sq.; V. who hears, 2, 114; in the Anugîtâ, 8, 219; presiding deity of earth and smell, 8, 337, 340, 349; the sharp-edged V., 12, 53; rules over rain, 12, 241, 446; Agni, V., Sûrya, and earth, air, sky, 12, 325-7; 44, 27; Suna and Sira, or V. and Âditya, 12, 445 n.; by the Sunâsîrîya the sacrificer reaches the world of V., 12, 451 n.; invoked as the visible Brahman, 15, 45, 53; secret union (samhitâ) through V., 15, 46; Prâna, breath, the vital airs, identified with V., 15, 80 sq., 275, 331; 38, 257; 43, 60 sq., 208, 363; 44, 345; is the deity that never sets,
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