Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 691
________________ 674 YÜ-- ZAD-SPARAM , 157 sq., 157. Shib King, a. the border sacrifice in Khi, 27, Yü Hwang Ti, worshipped by the 372; worshipped by the sovereigns Taoists, 39, 43 sq. of Hsiâ, 28, 202 ; deserves ancestor- Yü-khiang, got the Tâo, 39, 245 worship, 28, 208; his great virtues, 245 D. 28, 339; the spirit-like Y., 39, 181, Yukhtaspa, n.p., 23, 212. 181 n.; attacked the ruler of Hû, Yukhtavairi, n.p., 23, 205. 39, 206; acted according to the Yung, King, of Wei, and his counTão, 39, 210, 210 n.; how he ruled sellors, 40, 118-20. the world, 39, 359; floods in the Yung-khăng, a primaeval sovereign, times of Y., 39, 388; Shun when 39, 287; a saying of Y., 40, 118, about to die, instructs Y., 40, 35 118 n. sq. ; was paralysed on one side, 40, Yung K'ü, as a messenger of condo173, 173 1.; had his Tâ Hsiâ musie, lence on the death of Duke Khâo, 40, 218; the model of the Mohists, 27, 193, 193 sq. n. 40,2 19 sq. See also Po-yü, and Shun, Yung-zze, example of a Perfect Yü, captain of the guards to Yû, 3, Man, 39, 127, 168, 168 n.; Y. of 356. Sung not Great, 40, 274 Yüan, ruler of Sung, chooses a Yün Kiang, asks Hung Mung about draughtsman to have a map drawn, governing inen, 39, 143, 309–3, 300 40, 50 sq.; Y. and the artisan n., 302 1.; 40, 286 sq. Shih, 40, 101, 101 n.; Y. and the Yûpa, Yûpâhuti, see Animal sacridivining tortoise, 40, 136 sg. fices (d). Yüan Fung and Kun Mâng dis- Yü Shû King, or The Classic of course together, 39, 322-4, 322 the Pivot of Jade,' 40, 265-8. sq. n. Yûsta, son of Gâuri, 23, 215. Yüan Hsien, explains to Zze- Yuyudhâna, n. of a warrior, 8, 37. kung that he is poor but not in Yû Zo, mourning rites for him, 27, distress, 40, 157 sq., 157 11. 165, 165 n.; about An-zze, 27, 174; Yüan Kû, his text of the Shib King, an authority on funeral rites, 27, 3, 286 sq. Yuan Thsang, on the Council of Yü Zü, the fisherman who caught a Kanishka, 36, xvi. wonderful tortoise, 40, 136 sq. Yüan Zang, an old acquaintance of Yû-zze, period of mourning kept by Confucius, 27, 199 sq., 199 n. him, 27, 130, 130 n.; on a saying of Yûdân-Yim, priest, father of Mâ- Confucius, 27, 149 sq. ; asks Zze-yû, nûskîhar and Zâd-sparam, 5, xlii, about mourning rites, 27, 176 sq.; xlvi sq., Ixiv, 147 sq., 155 ; 18, xiii, on grave offerings, 28, 141. 3 sq., 31., 276, 279, 323, 325, 357, 359 sq., 365; son of Shahpühar, 18, Z AND 3 289, 289 n.; quoted as an authority, 18, 306. Zachariah, Mary the Virgin brought Yudhamanyu, n. of a warrior, 8, up by, 6, 51; a chosen of God, 6, 37. 125; prays for an leir, is promised Yudhishthira, the Pandava, 8, 38, a son, who is to be called John : 394; his gambling, 25, Ixxi, 1xxx, struck dumb for three days as a 380.; performs the horse sacrifice, sign, 9, 27 sq.; called Dhu 'l Kid, 44, xxvii. 9, 53, 53 11., 180. Yüeh, the sheep-butcher, declines Zad-eparam, son of Yûdan-Yim, all honours offered by King Kâo of bigl-priest of Sirkan, brother of Khû, 40, 155-7. Mânûskîhar, 5, xxxviii, 147 sq. and n., Yüeh, a recluse, appointed chief 155, 155 n., 168 n., 434; his relation minister by King Wû-ting, 3, 112- to the Bundahis, 5, Xxxviii, xlii sq., 18; called Fû Yüeh, 3, 113; got the 148 n., 172 n., 178 n., 186 n. ; his Tâo, and was raised to the stars, date, 5, xlii sq. ; 47, xvii; the Selec39, 135 sq., 245, 245 n. tions of Z., 5, xlvi-1, 153-87; 18, Yugas, see Ages of the World (a). 366 n.; 37, 401-5, 401 n.; his style, cherman who caugh Digitized by Microsoft ®


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