Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 694
________________ 127,62 Prayers (I'vast. the Con ZEND-AVESTA-ZOROASTER 677 recited after a death, 24, 351, 359; () Z. and the Avesta, Z. and his religion. (d) 2. in his relation to gods (archangels) must be learnt from priests, 24, and fiends (Daevas). 359 sq.: the Pahlavi translations of (e) Praise and worship of Z. the Z., 31, xxxvii-xliji; 37, xli sq.; (a) EPITHETS, ATTRIBUTES, AND 47, xvii sq.; metres of the Z., 31, CHARACTER OF Z. xliii sq. ; value of its doctrines, 31, The heavenly priest, who founded xlvi sq.; certain Gâthas and Yasnas the Religion by a sacrifice, 4, 21 1.; worshipped, 31, 328–31, 361-3; as the chief of worldly existences, 5, Ahura - Mazda and Zarathustra 88, 88 n.; 18, 92; spiritual chief of directed that it should be said, 31, Khvanîras, 5, 115 sq., 116 n.; the 353; the Afrînagân translated, 31, greatest of apostles, 18, 13, 13 n., 365-75; Zoroastrian legends in the 92, 386; 24, 270 ; his greatness, Z., 47, xix sq. ; written by Gâmâsp, 18, 21; among the preparers of the 47, xxx ; demons shattered by re- renovation of the universe, 18, 77; velation from the Z., 47, 64 ; one is completely good, 18, 90; 37, 196; the marvel of the Avesta itself, which, the master of the material world, according to all the best reports of the 23, 74, 190; possessed of Kingly world, is a compendium of all the sul Glory, 23, 304 sq. ; shared heaven premest statements of wisdom, 47, 76; through wisdom, 24, 102 ; created deposited in Shapîgân, 47, 32, 82 n.; as the best in the world, in the prophecies in the Z., 47, 93, 93 n.; middle period, 24, 345; mythical injured by apostates, 47,99; blessed attributes of z. in the Yasts, 31, utterances of the Z., 47, 102; xxii: called a feeble and pusillaniwritten with gold on oxhides, 47, mous man, 31, 5, 11, 11 n.; the 127, 127 n. See also Avesta, Gathas, ideal husbandman, 31, 38, 45, 45 n. ; Nasks, Prayers (f), Vendidâd, Vis- the first teacher, 31, 126, 126 n. ; parad, Yasna, and Yast. the first tiller, warrior, and priest, Zhâi Yung, his work for the Con- 31, 153; the possessor of the fucian classics, 27, 8. Mãthra, 31, 355; the living chief Zhan-liâo, a Taoist teacher, 39,247. and master, 31, 359; his beneficence Žhâo Shang, boasts of the gifts he and worthiness, 37, 234-6, 241; is received from the king of Sung and privileged, 37, 369 ; reward of z. is rebuked by Kwang-zze, 39, 161; the smiter and developer, 37, 387; 40, 207. nature and character of Z., 37, 420; Zhui Khü, his erroneous view about 47, 46 sq.; righteousness of his government, 39, 142, 294. desires, his compassion and liberality, Ziang of Lû = Ai, 27, 39; 28, 26147, xv, 151-4; the delight of the n. See Âi, righteous, 47, 87; his complete Zighri, n.p., 23, 219. virtue, 47, 126. Zîyânak Zardâhim, and Mrak thc (6) LIFE AND LEGENDS OF Z. Aspiyân, 5, 131. Converted from a Magus into a Zo, the Spirit-lord of the Northern magician, 4, xv; Z. and Sakyamuni, Sea, explains the greatness of the 4. liii; had forerunners, like Moses, Tâo to the earl of the Ho, 39, 148, 4, lix; the Spîtâmân, i, e, the de374-84, 374 n. scendant of Spitama, 4, 2, 2 n.; 5, Zôb, the Tûhmâspian = Allzôbô, 5, 192 sq., 192 n.; the sons of Z., the 150, 150 n. three future apostles, his assured Zobeir, converted by Mohammed, 6, offspring, 4, 21 n.; 5, 118, 361; 18, xxiii. 92 sq., 93 n., 170; 37, 33 sq.; 47, Zodiac, see Stars. 106, UT,115; a historical personage, Zohâk, see Dahâka. 5, lxxii; birthplace of his father, 5, Zôis, father of Zoroaster's mother, 82 ; his birthplace, 5, 89; genea47, 18, 18 n. logy and descendants of 2., 5, 140Zoroaster (Zarathustra, Zaratîst). +; 47, 34 sq., 3+ n., 139 S4., 139 n.; wives of Z., 5, 142-4, 143 n.; (a) Epithets, attributes, and character of Z. (6) Life and legends of Z. 37, 297, 297 11.; account of his 5, lxx!: 115; : mother Digitized by Microsoft ®


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