Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 695
________________ 678 ZOROASTER career by Zâd-sparam, 5, 186 sq. n.; miracles of Z., 37, 425; the fourth begotten in consequence of Hôm chieftain, 37, 460; descent of his drinking, 5, 187; 18, 164, 164 n.; glory upon his mother at her birth, Hôm symbolical of his birth, 18, 47, x, xiv, 17–29, 138 sq.; "his 170; murdered by Tûr-ì-Brâdar- mission to the Kigs and Karaps, 47, vakhsh, 18, 218 n.; 24, 267 sq.; X sq., xiv sq., xxv, xxx, 50-7; his 47, 126; promised to destroy useful work and advice, 47, xi, 75 Knãthaiti by means of the apostle sq.; four brothers of Z., 47, xiy, Saoshyãs, 18, 369; his supplication 144, 144 1. ; converts Mêdyômâh, for the soul of Keresâsp, 18, 372, 47, xv: legends of Z. in various 379-81; 37, 198 sq.; sacrifices to Pahlavi and Pâzand texts, 47, xviii Anâhita and obtains the boon, that sq. ; legends of Z. in the Avesta, 47, he converts Vîstâspa, 23, 78, 78 n.; xix sq. ; legendary history of 7. in worshipped Drvâspa, 23, 116; con- the Persian Zartust-nâmah, 47, xxverts Hutaosa, 23, 116, 279; wor- xxiv; his struggles with demons and shipped the Fravashis in every magicians, 47, xxi ; dream of his struggle, 23, 190; the Fravashis mother, 47, xxi ; legends of Z. and watch over the seed of Z., 23, 195, King Gustâsp, 47, xxi-xxiii, 123-5; 195 n.; the sons and daughters of Z., cures the horse of Vistâsp, 47, xxii. 23, 204, 204 n., 224; 47, 166; 66, 66 n.; denounced as a sorcerer, sacrificed to Kista, 23, 265; his good 47, xxii; has a vision of heaven and narcotic (Bangha), 23, 267 sq. andn.; hell, and of a tree with seven exhorts Vîstâspa (Kaî Gustâsp) to branches, 47, xxiii sq. ; cures the adhere to the Law of Mazda, and bull of Parshad-tôrâ, 47, xxv; sent converts him, 23, 324, 330-45; 24, to Vêdvôîst, 47, xxv; his spiritual 170 sq.; 37, 24, 285, 424 ; 47, xi, xv, body framed, 47, xxviii,xl sq., 122 ; xxv; pronounces blessings on Vis- his childhood and youth, attempts tâspa, 23, 324-30; told not to dis- at his life, 47, xxx, 35–46, 122 sq., tress father or mother or priest, 24, 145 sq.; his conversions, 47, xxx ; 302, 302 n.; who was Z.? 31, xxii- his death, 47, xxx, 73, 77 n., 165 ; XXV; temptation of Z., 31, 26, 177, date of 2., 47, xxxviii-xlvii; pre183; marriage of 2.'s daughter, 31. decessors of Z., 47, 15; his coming 92, 187-94 ; prays for long life, in announced by Yim Frédûn, and the order to convert men, 31, 97, 104 primaeval ox, 47, 31-3, 136 ; in the sq.; afflicted and discouraged, 31, protection of Vîstâsp, 47, 43; cures 131, 134 sq., son of Pourushaspa, the bull of Parslad-gau, 47, 57 sq. ; 31, 235; instructs Frashaostra with opposed by Kîgs and Karaps, 47, regard to the rites, 31, 327 ; his 63-6, 145-51; left to starve in birth, 37, 12, 31, 32 n., 226 sq., 444; prison, 47, 65 sq., 65 n., 75; the 47, x, xiv, xxi, xxvii, xxix sq., 16-33, coming of Z., 47, 121; utters the 17 n., 122, 139; attaining the re- Ahunavair immediately after his ligion, 37, 12; legendary life of Z., birth, 47, 142, 142 n. ; why the new37, 31-3, 32 n.; Vol. 47; his vision born 2. laughs, 47, 142 sq.; opposed of the past, future, and other world, by the Karaps and Aûsikhshes, 47, after receiving omniscience, 37, 32 143 sq. ; descended from Râgh, 47, sq.; communication of his know- 147; accused of folly, taken to the ledge to the world, 37, 33; family Karaps to be cured, 47, 148 sq.; of Z., 37, 97; four periods in the made himself into a bridge for seven millennium of 2., 37, 181, 451 sq.; women and old people to pass over 47, 16; appointed high-priest, 37, a stream, 47, 151 sq. ; his desire for 232; produced for the assistance of a good wife, 47, 153 sq.; has a vision cattle, 37, 239; descendant of of all mankind led by Medyômâh Aêzemnô (Ayazem), 37, 261, 261n.; following him, 47, 154 sq. the Zôti at the renovation of the (c) 2, AND THE AVESTA, Z. AND universe, 37, 261 sq. and n.; given HIS RELIGION. a wife by Frashóstar, 37, 397; Aoyla Toû Zwpoortpov, 4, xv; Digitized by Microsoft ®


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