Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 696
________________ ZOROASTER 679 292 128, :, 18, brought the Nasks to King Vîstâsp, omniscience from Aîharmazd, 5, 4, xxxvii ; the founder of Zoroas- 1 sq., 192, 196 sq.; 18, 92, 92 n.; trianism, 4, lxiii, 21 n.; produced asks Allharmazd for immortality, confidence in the progress of re- and has a vision of a tree which is ligion, 5, 64; sent to take away symbolical of periods in the history the defilement of water, 5, 84; the of Iran, 5, 1 sq., 192-201 ; his bringer of the good religion, 5, 141 Fravashi exhibited to Gôsûrvan by sq.; has not provided about every- Allharmazd, 5, 21, 21 n.; converthing whatsoever, 5, 326 sq. ; the sations between Allharmazd and Z., upholder and reminder of Mazda- 5, 121, 192-235, 310, 314, 348, 352, worship, 18, 14, 14 n.; 47, 3, 3 n.; 372-9, 382, 386; 18, 21, 26, 44, 289, commanded the wearing of the 293, 307, 328, 381, 415-17, 419-23, sacred thread-girdle, 18, 128, 130 ; 431-53, 455; 24, 4, 4 n., 261, 288, revelation of Z., 18, 341; quoted, 322, 329, 331, 343, 345, 349, 360; 18, 349, 349 n.; admonishes man- 31, 249, 260 sq., 374 sq., 390 ; 37, kind to practise next-of-kin mar- 31, 164, 193 sq., 206, 210 sq., 210n., riage, 18, 410, 412 sq.; Avesta of 233-6, 246 sq., 260, 267-72, 367, Z., 18, 447 ; his authorship ques- 375 sq., 379, 384-90, 453-64, 469, tioned, 31, 21, 21 n.; is he the 474 sq.; 47, x sq., xv, 14-16, 35, 46author of the Gâthas? 31, 107, 167- 50, 47 n., 54, 56, 60-2, 64, 86-93,999, 187 sq.; promises not to leave 105, 123, 135, 138, 157-60, 163; the faithful, 31, 132, 140 ; Vistâspa Allharmazd exhibits to Z. the refers to Z. as a propagator of punishments of hell, 5, 350 ; heteroAhura's religion, 31, 169 sq., 173, doxy, contest with Allharmazd and 173 n.; an exhortation by Z. to Z., 18, 330, 346; Allharmazd shows follow his faith, 31, 229 sq.; the him the state of the soul of Keresâsp, remedies of Z. and Zarathustro- 18, 371-82; Anâhita grants to tema, 31, 347; directed how the Ahura Mazda the boon, that Z. Avesta should be said, 31, 353; should teach his religion, 23, 58; questions as to the sacrifice addressed established above men by Ahurato Z., 31, 369 sq.; material chief- Mazda, 23, 105; the first and best tainships through Z., 37, 167; a follower of Ahura, 23, 228 ; first supplicant for the immortal progress worshipper of Ahura Mazda and of the soul, 37, 275; advice to Z., the Amesha-Spentas, 23, 274; waters as to religion, 37, 281 sq.; wealth and plants rejoiced in Zi's birth, 23. to be kept in control of Z., 37, 342; 274; loved and praised by Ashi through discrimination as to duty Vanguhi, 23, 275; sacrifices to Ashi one is similar to Z., 37, 363; men Vanguhi, 23, 279; archangels came and women are taught as being given meeting Z., 24, 270; appointed by in discipleship to Z. by him who keeps Ahura Mazda to proclaim his rehis own males and females in the con- ligion, 31, 4 sq., 8-11, 40 sq. ; prays trol of Z., 37, 368; the words of 2. to Ahura for the people, 31, 5, 12 are the best prayers, 37, 397; a sq. : asks Ahura-Mazda for knowreformer, not a founder of a new ledge of what may be and what religion, 47, xxvi. may not be, 31, 37, 42 sq.; offers (d) Z. IN HIS RELATION TO GODS obedience to God, 31, 79; ques(ARCHANGELS) AND FIENDS tioned by Sraosha, replies, 31, 95 (DAEVAS). sq., IOI .; Ahura-Mazda will give Z. receives the revelation from spiritual life to him who propitiates Ahura-Mazda, 5, 1xx-Ixxii, 2, II, 2., 31, 133, 141; dialogue between 22, &c., 208, 212, 240 n.; 23, 24. Z. and Haoma, 31, 231-5; Ahura24 n. ; 24, 40, 170; 37, 181, 230 sq., Mazda taught Z. the rules of 442; Mithra and Z., 4, 258; sacrifice, 31, 318 sq.; these are the Allharmazd gives z. a prophecy best of words, those which Ahura Mazda about the future of the Iranian spoke to Z., 31, 330; the chieftains nation and religion, 5, 1 sq., receives of the ritual mentioned to Z. by Digitized by Microsoft ®


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