Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ 676 3ĂNG-ZZE-ZEND-AVESTA 413 ; change of feeling in hin in Zâu, Recorder of the Interior to Yû, his poverty and prosperity, 39, 156; 3, 356. 40, 145; though poor, is happy in Zaurva, deinon of old age, 4, 224. the possession of the Tâo, 40, 158. Zavan, n.p., 23, 218. Zăn-hsiang, a sovereign who pos- Zbaurvant, n.p., 23, 209. sessed the Tâo, 40, 117. Zeh-yang, or Phăng Yang, wishes Zăn Khiû, asks Confucius about to be introduced to the king of Khû, what was before heaven and earth, 39, 154; 40, 114 sq. 40, 71 sq., 293. Zemyâd, see Zamyâd. Zantuma, worshipped, 31, 197, 204, Zend, language, and Sanskrit, 4, 209, 215, 219, 223, 251, 259, 278, xxii-xxvi; rather Avesta language, 373, 381 sq. 4, xxxi n.; the Gâthas written in a 2an Yû, sent to King by Confucius, dead or dying language, 4, Ixvi. 27, 150. Zend-Avesta, Anquetil Duperron's Zan-zze, made a gift of condolence, translation of the, 1, xvii-xix; 4, as a substitute for Confucius, 27,134. xvii-xx; fire in the Z., 1, xxii; disZaosha, n.p., 23, 218. covery of the Z., 4, xiii-xxvi; modes Zaotar, see Priests (d, e). of interpretation of the Z., 4, xxviiZaothra, see Sacrifice (6). xxxi, lxxxvii sq.; Veda and Z., 4, Zaqqùm, tree in hell, see Hell (c). xxvii-xxxi; 31, xxix, xxxvi sq.; Zarathustra, see Zoroaster. the name Z., 4, xxxin.; the different Zarathustrians, see Zoroastrians, parts of the 2., 4, xxxi-xxxvii, lxv; Zarathustrôtema, chief of priests, the remnants of a large literature, 23, 149, 149 n.; worshipped, 31, 197, 4, xxxii sq.; 37, xxix; history of Z. 204, 209,215, 219, 224,259,278, 337, literature, 4, xxxiii-xlvii, Parthian 384-6. elements in the Z., 4, xlvii-li; conZaratûst, the prophet, see Zoroaster. cordance between Z. and PentaZaratûst, son of Atûr-frôbag (Atûr- teuch, 4, lviji sq.; age and growth farnbag), editor of the Dinkard, 24, of the Z., 4, Ixiv-Ixvii: 31, xxxiiixxvii, 139 n.; his fate, 37, xxxii. xxxvii, 281 sq.; 47, xi, xlvi sq.; Zaratûst, son of Atûrpad, 37, 30 n.; one who knows the Gâthas, the 47, xxxvi sq. See also Avarethrabau. Yasna, and the revealed Law, 4, Zaratûst, n.p., Vâhrâm-shâd, son of, 203; punishments for mistakes in 5, 147. the recitation of the Z., 4, 278 n., Zaratûst, the club-footed,' n. of 279; the Erpatistan and Nirangistân, a priest, 18, xxvi, 329. 4, 300-68; the Staota Yêsnya, Zaratûst-nâmak of Zâd-sparam, ancient productions, recollected, 4, t.c., its contents, 47, xiv-xxiv. 312 n., 313; 31, 294 n., 295 ; uttered Zarazdati, son of Paêshatah, 23, 213 in the language of birds, 5, 70 sq.; Zaremaya, the oil of, the food of the chanting Gâtha hymns and reciting souls in Paradise, 23, 318, 318 n., 345. a Vendidad, 5, 212 sq. and n.; to Zarenumant, the good, created by be recited, not to be mumbled, 5, Mazda, 31, 391. 327; not to be inumbled when one Zargar, adopted Zoroastrianism, 24, laughs outright, 5, 330; Bakân171, 171 n. yastô (Bâg-yasno) quoted, its conZârîko, see Zaîrîk. tents, 5, 346, 346 n.; to be studied Zarîr, brother of Vistasp, 5, 137 sq., by priests, 18, 152 sq., 152 n.; 137 n., 146; converted, 47, 125, liturgies from the Z. for the cere125 n. monial, 18, 167-9, 168 n.; revealed, Zarman, demon of decrepitude, 5, 18, 215 n.; quoted, 18, 292-4; 24, 110; 18, 93, 95. 6; of Zaratûst, 18, 447; mutual Zartust Bahram Pasdû, author of relation of Yasts and Sîrôzahs, 23, Zartust-namah, 47, XX. 1-3; the Sîrôzahs translated, 23, Zartust-nâmah, the Persian, legends 3-20; passages quoted in the Sad of Zoroaster in, 47, xx-xxiv, 66 n., Dar, 24, xxxviii; must be properly 77 n. learnt and remembered, 24, 290 sq.; qaratllat. 18, mak v. xiv , 23. the Digitized by Microsoft ®


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