Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 692
________________ ZAD-SPARAM-3ĂNG-3ZE 5, 164 11., 182 1.; contents of his works, 5, 186 sq. n.; quoted, 5, 195 n., 368 n.; 37, 14 n.; epistles addressed to him by his brother Mânûskihar, 18, xiii sq., xxv sq.; his heresy regarding the purification ceremony, 18, 279, 279 n., 280 m., 284 n., 295 11., 300 n., 320 n., 321 11., 360, 364, 455; quotes the Pahlavi Yasna, 18, 394; Atûrpâd, contemporary of Z., 24, xxvii; 37, xxxiii; on the Nasks, 37, xxxix; legendary history of Zoroaster in the Selections of Z., 47, ix, xiv-xvii, 133-70, 133 n. Zaêsm, n.p., 5, 135. Zafîyah bint 'Huyâi, wife of Mohammed, 9, 240 n. Zagh, n.p., 5, 146. Zah-kung Shih, n. of a teacher, 39, 137, 260. 6 Zah Yung King, or Classic of the Directory for a Day,' translated, 40, 269-72. Zaid, converted by Mohammed, 6, xxiii, xlix; Mohammed's adopted son, 6, xxix; 9, 139 n., 144, 144 n., 233 n.; slain in battle, 6, xli. Zaid ibn 'Amr, friend of Mohammed, 6, xv, xx, xxiii. Zaid ibn THâbit, amanuensis of Mohammed, 6, lvii; collected and arranged the text of the Qur'ân, 6, Ivii-lix. Zainab, divorced wife of Zâid, wife of Mohammed, 6, xxix; 9, 139 11., 144, 144 1. Zâînîgâv: wars of Z. and Frangrasyan (Turanians and Arabs), 4, 1 sq.; Khrûtâsp, son of Z., 5, 131. Zairi, see Zâîrîk. Zâîrîk, = Av. Zairika or Zairi, one of the six demons of Aharman, 4, 139, 139 n., 224; 5, 10, 10 n.; 18, 96, 96 m., 319, 319 n.; maker of poison, 5, 107; attacked by Amerôdad, 5, 128; demon Zârîko, propitiated by walking barefoot, 37, 182, 3ăng-3ze, the Hsiâo King, conversations between Confucius and, 3, xx, 451; supposed author of the Ta Hsio, 3, xx; 27, 53; 28, 412 n., 413 n.; conversations of Confucius with 3., 3, 465, 472, 476, 483; 3. or Shăn, styled 3ze-yü, honoured disciple of Confucius, 3, 465 n.; 39, 269, 269 n.; The questions of 3.' put to Confucius, 27, 21 sq., 311-42; the book Nêi 3eh ascribed to him, 27, 27; on filial piety, 27, 37; 28, 226-9; on funeral and mourning rites, 27, 124, 126, 133-5, 141 sq., 147-54, 174 Sq., 187; 28, 143, 143 m., 152, 156 sq., 161; his illness and death, 27, 128 sq.; mourning rites for him, 27, 132; in mourning for his mother, 27, 164 sq.; on Khien Ao's charity, 27, 195; 3. and 3zekung paying a visit of condolence, 27, 197; quoted, 27, 406, 467; 28, X X 2 182 n. Zairiki, n. of a holy woman, 23, 224. Zairita, n.p., 23, 204. Zairivairi, protector of Zarathustra, 4, lxiii; struggle between Z. and Aregat-aspa and other enemies, 23, 80 sq., 80 n.; brother of Vistâspa, 23, 205, 205 11. 675 Zairyak, u.p., 23, 213. 3âi Wo, and Confucius, on the constitution of man, 27, 36; 28, 220, 222 11. Zak, a Karap, 47, 20 n., 64 sq. Zâli'h, sent unto Thamûd, with the sign of the she-camel, 6, 146 sq., 147 sq. n., 211 sq.; 9, 96, 103. Zamyad, the crocus belongs to, 5, 104; invoked, 5, 404 sq. See also Earth (c). Zăn, see Thâi-zăn. Zan, duke of, his son, after fishing for a whole year, caught a huge fish, 40, 133 sq. Zandas, and Yâtus (sorcerers), 4, 204, 204 n.; 31, 313. 3ăng Shăn, son of 3ăng-3ze, 27, 128; asks 3ăng-zze about mourning rites, 28, 161; famous for righteousness, 39, 269, 274, 287, 295; 3. S. and Shih 3hiù, classed together with the robber Kib, 39, 292, 328; 40, 285; famous for filial piety, met with misfortune, 40, 132, 132 n1. 3ăng Tien, at the mourning rites for Wû-jze, 27, 162, 162 n. 3ang Wan-kung, failed to stop Hsia Fû-kbî in committing an irregularity in ceremonies, 27, 403 sq. and n.; a sacrifice ordered by him, 28, 35. 3ăng Yuan, son of 3ăng-ze, 27, 128. Digitized by Microsoft®


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