Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 638
________________ VEDANTA TEXTS-VERETHRAGHNA 621 the highest Self, 34, 198; there is a means of the three v., 21, 66; the conflict of V. t. with regard to the three v. of the disciples, of the things created, but not with regard Pratyekabuddhas, of the Bodhisattto the Lord as the cause of the vas, only a device of Buddha's, 21, world, 34, 263-6; do not contra- 78-82, 88-91, 134, 136 sq., 180-3, dict one another with regard to the 189 sq. mode of creation and similar topics, Veils, see Hindrances. 34, 290 ; the cognitions of Brahman Veins, see Arteries. intimated by all the V.t.are identical, Velâmikânî: the wife of Bodhi38, 184-279; discussed in the Sârî- satta Sudassana was either a lady raka-mîmânsî, 48, 7: studied for of noble birth, or a V., 11, 287. the destruction of Nescience, 48, Veluvana, n. pl., 10 (ii), 85, 87. 39, 215 ; principle of unity the pur- Vemakitri, for Prakrit Vemakitti, port of all V. t., 48, 386 sq.; aim not Pali Vepakitti, Sk. Viprakitti, a chief only at knowledge, but also at the of demons, 21, 6, 6 n. injunction of meditation, 48, 680. Vena, King, perished through want See also Scripture, and Upanishads. of humility, 25, 222; Niyoga arose Vedântins, speak of Mâyâ, 8, 331n.; in his rule, 25, 339, 339 n. objections against the V., based on Venâ, female disciple of Sambhûtathe relation ofsuffering and sufferer, vigaya, 22, 289. 34, 376-81; doctrines of V. re- Vendîdad, contents of the, 4, viiifuted, 45, ix, 236 sq., 343-5; aim to xii, lxx-lxxxvii; 37, 152-66, 152 ascertain the nature of Brahman sq. n.; is pre-Alexandrian, 4, lxv from Scripture, 48, 148-56; dis- sq.; its fragmentary character, 4, putation between Ardraka and a V., lxx; translated, 4, 1-241 ; quoted, 5, 45,417 sq. 239, 239 n., 245, 250, 259, 270, 274, Vedapâragas, see Holy persons. 310, 317, 323, 323 n., 340 sq. and Vedârtha-samgraha, a work of n., 342, 348, 356, 360 ; 18, xxix sq.; Râmânuga, 34, xxi; 48,78; quoted, 24, 331, 356; the revelation given 48, 138. against the Daêvas,' 31, 199 sq. n.; Vede hiputto, metronymic of Agâta- 37, 156, 402, 446; considered com satru, king of Magadha, 9. v. plete by the writers of the Persian Vedi, see Altar. Rivâyats, 37, 481 sq. Vedic Schools, see Veda (s). Vengantas, a Brahinan clan, UpaVedisâ, n. of a town, 10 (ii), 188. sena of the, 36, 270, 270 n. Vêdvoîst, a rich Karap, Zoroaster Venudeva, a name of Garuda, 45, sent to, 47, xi, xxv. 290, 290 n. Vegayanta, n. of a heavenly palace, Vepakitti, see Vemakitri. 35, II. Veracity, see Truth. Veh-àfrid, n.p., 5, 138. Veranga,, Buddha takes a meal Vehicles, rules about the use of, for there, and the gods moisten it with Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis, 17, 25-7; the sap of life, 36, 37 sq., 38 n. 20, 359 sq. Verethraghna, n.d., who wears the Vehicles (yana), t.t.: in spite of glory made by Mazda, 4. 221, 221 the apparent trinity of v. there is n.; invoked and worshipped, 4, only one vehicle, the Buddha- 248; 23, 6, 10, 15, 17, 32, 34, 36, vehicle, which leads to omniscience, 38; friendship between Mithra and 21, xxix, 40-59, 78-82, 88-91, 128- V., 23, 137, 139; in the shape of 41; the three V., to attain the sum- a boar, with iron feet, &c., 23, 137, mum bonum, and the one Buddha 235; ten incarnations in which V. vehicle, 21, xxxiv; the three v. imi- appeared to Zarathustra, 23, 231-8; tations of the Asramas, 21, xxxiv n., powers given by V. to Zarathustra, xxxvi; the threefold v. only used in 23, 231, 238-40 ; the Bahrâm Yast times of decay to designate the one dedicated to V., 23, 231-48 ; inBuddha-vehicle, 21, 42; the Buddha voked in battle, 23, 242 sq., 246-8; Padmaprabha will preach the law by his raven incarnation, 23, 294 sq.; 32 st the Daar agadha, o vgata 9. V. plete by the Digitized by Microsoft ®


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