veda, men get into the power of w., a husband, 23, 258, 258 1.; the holy 45, 274; seduced by their senses w., well principled and obedient to and by w., men are born again and her husband, 23, 318,321 ; not to be again, 45, 318; men whom w. do witnesses, 24, 78, 78 n.; 37, 38, 58; not seduce value Moksba most, 45, virtues of a w., 24, 108; cerernonies 330. See also Gaina monks and nuns, performed both by men and w., and Gaina nuns.
24, 263; sacred thread-girdle to be (e) W, IN ZOROASTRIANISM.
worn by w. and men (sic), 24, 268, Impurity of, and rules regarding 270; dangers to menstruation, 24, to, w. during their menses, defile- 277; dangers to pregnant w. to be ment by menstruous matter, 4, avoided, 24, 277 sq. ; sin of slander Ixxviii sq., Ixxxi, 65, 80, 185-9; 5, regarding w., 24, 305 sq.; the only 1x, 248, 251, 261, 265, 270 sq., 276- Nyâyis for w. is obedience to their 85, 304, 333, 340 sq. 1. ; 18, 191, husbands, 24, 320 sq.; all w. must 228, 447 ; 24, ni, 270, 296, 302-5, have the Dvâzdah-hômâst cele332-4, 340, 353; 37, 45, 100-2, 162, brated, as an atonement for men164, 187, 432, 446; 47, 168 ; w.'s struation, 24, 330 sq., 330 1. ; sin diseases (abnormal issues) created and punishment of w. committing by Angra-Mainyu, 4, 9; the earth adultery, 24, 331 sq.; garinents fit wanting a good husbandman, is like for menstruous w., 24, 355; Haoma a maiden without a husband, 4, 29; grants offspring to w., and husbands an object of contract, like cattle or to the maidens, 31, 237; good men fields, 4, 45 sq., 45 n.; a w, who has and w., whom Ahura knows, worbeen delivered of a still-born child, shipped, 31, 253, 257, 268; the w. 4, 62-5, 91 sq.; difference of rules who have many sons worshipped, 31, of purification according to sex, 4, 336, 385 ; stately w. of good parent110, 127; belong to the earth, 4, age worshipped, 31, 340 ; holy w. 144; law about seduction, 4, 178 sq.; summoned to the sacrifice, 31, 342; atonement for intercourse with a w. the house-mistress, and the holy during her sickness, 4, 206-8; may woman forward in good thoughts, act as priests, as well as men, 4, 307- words, and deeds, 31, 386; law about 9, 307 11., 327 ; 5, 332 sq., 332 n.; property of w., 37, 18, 148; conflicts 37, 95; the sacrifice of w. and between childless w. and pregnant children accepted, 4, 339; the fiend w., 37, 41; about well-taught w., 37, of menstruation (Geh), 5, 15 sq., 45; about the care of a pregnant 15 n., 283, 283 n.; menstruation w., 37, 45; stealing w. (slaves), 37, and generation, 5, 60 sq.; carrying 58 sq.; condemned for wizard's the corpse of a pregnant w., 5, 247, spells, 37, 65; sin of bartering w. 247 n., 319, 319 n.; pollution of for w., 37, 66; about a w, without pregnant w. punishable, 5, 272 ; fire a guardian, 37, 71; about theft by to be maintained in the dwelling w., 37, 76; sin of giving weapons to of a pregnant w., 5, 316 sq.; not w., 37, 78; a w. may marry one of marrying a husband a sin worthy two men condemned to death, 37, of death, 5, 322 sq.; honourable 78; fitness of w. for judgeship, if position of Mazdayasnian w., 5, 367, acquainted with the law, 37, 80; 367 n.; virtuous w. protected by relation of sexes, 37, 109-12; damsel Spendarınad, 5, 373, 376 sq.; pro- given by an idolator to a Mazdavisions made for wives and daughters worshipper, 37, 148; a w. who is of a deceased pater familias, 18, 183– reverent, 37, 485; heretics buying 90 ; law of inheritance and w., 18, their w. as sheep, 47, 89. 183-7, 195 sq. ; 37, 486; fit and (f) W. IN CHINA. unfit w. for adoption, 18, 190 sq.; One of Wû's'ten men' (ministers) Fravashis of holy w., of w. who have was a w., 3, 128 n.; overseers of many sons, worshipped, 23, 224-8; states shall find helping connexions 31, 197, 204, 209, 215, 219, 224, for (destitute) w., 3, 180; worship 273, 279 ; maids pray to Vayu for of female ancestors, 3, 323, 326,
Punishani Polluti 247,
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