41, 155, 166; two kinds of w. (found 34, 26; the possession of superon the ground, and cut by the axe), natural powers depends on the per41, 257. See also Trees.
formance of religious w., 34, 293; Words, Om or a Mantra the first are characterized by injunction, 34, among, 8, 89, 209; indicate a class, 293, 293 n. ; in the case of religious a quality, an action, or a relation, w. we entirely depend on Scripture, 8, 103 n.; a man of many w., a 34, 299 ; how to become a ruler as Brâhmana who merely reads much, to actions, 37, 334 ; five classes of 8, 171; first, verily, are w. produced, action, and five organs of it, 38, 81; and the mind runs after them, 8, 262 obligatory for the three former sq.; are the characteristics of speech, âsramas, but not for the mendicant, 8, 348; Prana is the beginning of all 33, 301 Sq.; are incumbent on him W., 8, 353; Sankara on the nature of also who does not desire release, W., 34, xxxvii, 204-11; the original 38, 312 sq.; those performing w. are (eternal) connexion of the w. with not overpowered by passion and the its sense, 34, 201; the world origi- like, 38, 315; good w. are mentioned nates from the w., as is shown by together with evil w., and the term perception and inference, 34, 2017 'evil' is used without any distinc11; connected with the species, not tion for both, 38, 356; all action with the individual, 34, 202 sq.; with a personal purpose is sure to whether sphota is the w. or not, 34, fail, 39, 72, 100-2; whatever good 204-6, 209 sq. ; whether the letters deed man does that is inside the are the w. or not, 34, 205-10; w. Vedi, and whatever evil deed he does and thing are different, 34, 222; that is outside the Vedi, 44, 45; denote always something to be done, heretics cannot tell you anything 48, 148 sq., 152; how a child learns about good and bad w., 45, 341, w. and meanings, 48, 150 sq.; good 343, 345 sq.; studied from KarmaW., see Morality (c), and Thought; Mîmânsâ, 48, 255; enjoined in holy w., see Prayers. See also Sruti and Smriti, lead to Sansara, Speech.
proceed on command of Brahman, Works, or Actions.
48, 285 sq., 311; the nature of good (a) Good, useful, holy w.
and evil w. can only be learned (6) Knowledge or devotion, and w.
from the Sâstra, 48, 487; a man (c) Results of w., retribution.
who is not pure is unfit for all reli(a) GOOD, USEFUL, HOLY W.
gious w., 48, 592 ; w. enjoined by Throwing bridges over canals, an Scripture, have the power of pleas. atonement, 4, 175, 208; good and ing the Supreme Person, 48, 701. bad w. of the deaf and dumb and See also Good works, and Sacrifices. helpless, 5, 293; how to proceed (6) KNOWLEDGE OR DEVOTION, when doubts occur as to good or AND W. bad w., 5, 326-30; an offering to a Sacred w. are of no avail, medigod is named w., 8, 77; what w. tation on Om alone can procure should or should not be abandoned, true salvation, 1, xxv; necessity of 8, 121 sq., 127; are of threefold w. as a preparation for the recepquality, 8, 124; some sects extol tion of the highest knowledge, 1, W., others tranquillity, 8, 375 sq.; ci, 312 sq., 315-19; 38, 306 sq., Mara tempts Buddha to exert him- 313-15; 48, 18 sq., 147; performself for good w., 10 (ii), 69 sq.; by ance of sacred duty depends on the w. one is a Brâhmana, not by birth, obtaining of bliss,1, 122 ; attention 10 (ii), 116 sq.; the Buddhist saint on a tutor depends on performance does not cling to virtue and holy w., of sacred duty, 1, 122; good w. are 10 (ii), 151 sq., 153, 159-62, 200; only a preparation for the highest six kinds of w., performing sacrifices, knowledge, 1, 311, 314 sqq.; through &c., 29, 114, 114 n.; the inquiry not-knowledge, i.e. good w., one into the duty of perforining religious overcomes death, through knoww. carried on in the Gaimini-sútra, ledge one obtains immortality, 1,
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