Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 673
________________ 656 WORKS 312 sq., 319; interrelation of w. knowledge arises as the result of and knowledge, 1, 314-20; 48, good w., if not obstructed by other 9-11, 698-700, 703, 725-7; inferior w., 48,712 sq.; salvation by w. and to knowledge and devotion, 8, +8 salvation by faith, 49 (ii), viii sq. sq., 52; 38, 267; w. joined with (c) RESULTS OF W., RETRIBUTION. devotion and knowledge, lead to Those who practise useful and final emancipation, 8, 59-63; 38, pions w., go after death through 359, 361, 48, 9; a means of attain- smoke, &c., to the world of the ing devotion, 8, 67; Krishna can- fathers, &c., and the moon, 1, 80; not be seen by means of w., 8, 98; 15, 272 sq.; 34, 27; 38, 124; a debyw. people conquer perishable stroyer of religious merit (fruit of w.) worlds, by knowledge everlasting is an 'assassin,' 7,41; penance for glory, 8, 179; good w. lead to selling religious merit, 7, 177; merit misery (rebirth), while knowledge and rewards of w. of public utility, of Brahman leads to immortality, 7, 270 sq.; action is better than in5, 391; 15, 30-3; w. and know- action, the highest good to be atledge cannot be together, 15, xxvi; tained by it, 8, 52-6; not to be he who knows the Self, does not performed for the sake of reward, become greater by good w., nor 8, 60; renunciation and pursuit of smaller by evil w., 15, 179, he who w. both instruments of happiness, 8, bas reached knowledge of Brahman 63; to be regardless of the fruits is not affected by the consequences of w. is true renunciation, 8, 67; of either past or future evil or good abandoning all w. to attain immorw., 15, 180; 34, lxxvii sq., 38, 119, tality, 8, 110; godlike endowments 237, 353-7; 48, 646-51; knowledge are means for final emancipation, is independent of w., 34, lxxv; 38, demoniac persons go to hell, 8, 285-95, 306; knowledge and w, are 114-17; the ascetic must avoid all the two roads for entering on the w. involving expectation of fruit or road of the gods and the road of the destruction of life, 8, 365 ; those fathers, 38, 123-5; knowledge is who perform w. with expectations subordinate to w., this view refuted, go near Pragâ pati, 8, 389; the Bud38, 289; 48, 686-96; are enjoined dhist is untarnished by the belief in for such only as understand the pur- the efficacy of outward w., 11, 10, port of the Veda, 38, 289; are en 10 n., 27; performance of w. has joined for him who has merely read for its fruit transitory felicity, 34, the Veda, 38, 293 ; destruction of I; Bhrigu's vision of retribution the qualification for w., by know- of bad w., 44, 109 sq.; Vedic idea ledge, 38,294 sq.; are the washing of the evil deeds recoiling on the away of uncleanliness, but know- evildoer, 46, 170, 172; the fruit of ledge is the highest way, 38, 307; mere w. limited and non-permanent, w. of permanent obligation en- 48, 4, 5, 155 sq., 255 ; four chief joined by the Veda, such as the ends of human w., viz. religious Agnihotra, have the same effect as duty, wealth, pleasure, and final reknowledge, 38, 358-62 ; w. under- lease, 48, 6; the rewards for w. pretaken for the fulfilment of some scribed by the Veda, come from special wish, do not contribute to the highest Person only, 48, 625-8; wards knowledge, 38, 360 ; depend religious w. bring about their reon false knowledge, 38, 363; re- wards of themselves, 48, 626; the fraining from w. of any kind what- good w., shaken off by him who goes soever cannot lead to final release, to the world of Brahman, go to his which can only be accomplished by beloved, the evil w. to his unknowledge, 38, 397-400; for one beloved relatives or to his enemies, who does not possess perfect know- 48, 646-8, 726 sq. ; Sukhâvatî obledge, it is impossible to refrain tained by prayers, not by w., 49 (ii), from all w., 38, 399; abandoned by 98, 98 n. ;-accordance with the right -men who know Brahman, 48, 690; leads to good fortune; following what is Digitized by Microsoft ®


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