Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 685
________________ 668 YÂTUS-YEAR 49 (i); 4 5% azatas, 4, 256 33; a Yâtu, a bad demon, 46, 207; water oblation to the Year and 393. its divisions at the Utsarga, 29, 325; Ya'ûq, Arabian god, worshipped the Agrahayanî night, the consort of under the figure of a horse, 6, xii; the Y., and the Samvatsara, Parivat9, 303. sara, Idvatsara, and Vatsara worYavanas, mentioned in the Gautama- shipped, 29, 338 sq. and n.; 30, Dharma-sútra, 2, Ix sq. ; in Manu- 240; is seventeenfold, there being smriti, 7, xxiv; 25, cxiv-cxvii; twelve months and five seasons in degraded Kshatriyas, 25, 412. a y., 41, 174; 43, 62; 44, 37; six Yavas and Ayavas, lords of crea- seasons are a y., and Agni is the y., tures, 43, 69, 69 n., 76. 41, 244, 269 ; 43, 363; is linked to Yayâti, Agni sacrificed for, 46, 24; the moon by means of the seasons, the son of Nahusha, 49 (i), 18; 41, 269; has 720 days and nights, sported with the Apsaras Visvâki, 41, 353; divisions of the y. deified, 42, 162; Pragâpati produces creaYazads, Yazatas, see Gods (m). tures by union with the y., 43, 32 Yazad-yâr, n.p., 24, 256. sq.; Agni Vaisvânara is the y., 43, Yazdakard, King, the sinner,' 37, 33; is space, 43, 62 ; speed is the y., 257 n. it speeds all beings, 43, 63; it burns, Yazdân, Phl. 'angels, sacred or assails all beings, 43, 63; is the most celestial beings, God,' 5, lxxiii. See vigorous of all things, 43, 63; is God (c), and Gods (m). arrayed over all beings, is the womb Yazdân-aîrikht, n.p., 5, 135. of all beings, as an embryo enters Yazdân-pânak, sent by Mânûskîhar the seasons, 43, 64; is the strength to Zâd-sparam, 18, xxv, 321-3, 322 n. of all beings, 43, 64; designs all Yazdân-sarâd, n.p., 5, 135. beings, 43, 64 sq.; is the foundation Year, a stage on the soul's road of all beings, 43, 65; is the firmaafter death, 1, 68, 80, 82 n.; 38, ment, 43, 65; the y. is the sun, 43, 384-6; 48, 745; three acknow- 65, 313; 44, 445, 467, 481; all crealedged commencements of the y., tures are evolved from it, 43, 66 ; 3, 77, 77 n.; sacrifice to introduce is eighteenfold, 43, 66; the lord of the coming y., 3, 399; Agni (fire- the months, 43, 74; the world of altar) and Pragậpati identified with heaven is the y., 43, 100; means Father Y., 12, 62, 62 n., 135; 15, generative power, 43, 125; the y. is 95; 41, 174; 43, Xv sq., xxii sq. everything, 43, 125, 320 sq. ; 44, 5, 29 sq., 33, 49, 62-6, 70 sq., 76, 96, 248, 395, 406, 507; the y. is these 120, 126 sq., 147, 163, 166 sq., 177, worlds, 43, 127; the birth of the 184, 193, 204 sq., 207, 216, 219-22, gods is the y., 43, 144; consists of 219 n., 240, 253 sq., 264, 271, 281, seven months, 43, 163; includes all 294, 313, 320-7, 347, 349-52, 356, objects of desire, 43, 313; beyond 60, 362-4, 386, 403 n.; 44, 1, 15, the y. lies immortality, 43, 322; is 432, 432 1., 506; twelve or thirteen fivefold, viz. food, drink, well-being, months in the y., 12, 321; 26, 318- light, and immortality, 43, 326 sq.; 22; 41, 119, 142, 260, 272, 308, divisions of the y., 43, 351 sq.; is 334-9, 355 ; 43, 159, 219, 320; 44, Death, the Ender, 43, 356 sq.; 147, 168, 384, 395, 435, 466, 506; created, 43, 402 sq. ; 44, 14; there the y. in three divisions, 12, 444; are 360 nights and days in a year, born from Death and Speech, 15, 44, 4 sq., 168 sq.; by the y. the 76; the holy sacrifice to the Ys., gods were immortal, 44, 5; the and masters of holiness, 23, 5, 14, Sacrificer is the Y., the Seasons 36 sq., 49, 52; in the second order officiate for him, 44, 44 sq., 432, of existences caused by Goodness, 432 n.; means life, 14, 119; he who 25, 495; the sacrifice is the y., 26, knows the mystery of the birth of 108 sq., 44, 1, 38 sq., 154, 276; the Y. goes as the Y. to the gods, close of the y., 27, 308 sq.; personi- 44, 140, 153-5; by the Katurvinisa fied, invoked at the Ashtaka, 29 day and by entering upon the Digitized by Microsoft ®


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