15, 234, 260; the Asvattha tree as by the daily study of the Veda, 44, a name of the w., 15, 307 ; imper- 29, 96; consists of sixteen parts, manence of the w., 19, xiv, 99-101, 44, 302, 302 n.; the w. (loka) is 236-8,274 sq., 306 sq., 306 1., 309- made up of living beings and things 13, 315, 370 sq.; unreality of the without life; where only the latter W., 19, 205, 264, 264 m.; 48, 127; are found, that is Non-world (aloka), 49 (ii), xiv-xix, 114 sq., 117-44; 45, 207 ; the perfected souls reside Buddhist theory of the w., 19, 273, on the top of the w., 45, 211 sq.; a 273 n.; the reality of the pheno- Gaina should maintain that the w. mena of the w. is only apparent, 21, exists, 45, 407; the w., a manifestaxxix, 129-41; compared to an old tion of the power of Brahman, is decaying house filled with filth and real, Brahman the Self of the w., 48, horrible beings, being in a blaze, 21, 89-91, 94 sq., 133, 306, 399; is the 77 sq., 82-5,88; the folly of attach- body of Brahman or of Vasudeva, ment to this w., 22, 15-27; the 48, 95, 129, 135; the w. is of the ideal state of those who are free nature of pain or limited pleasure, from attachment to this w., 22, 44 48, 306, 467; the w. apart from sq.; all parts of the w. enumerated, Brahman is unreal, 48, 432, 434; 23, 168, 171-7; changeableness of evils of the w., birth, old age, death, worldly things, 24, 50; sky, earth, hell, &c., 48, 477; Buddha creates and water arranged like an egg, 24, in his one person a form compre84 sq.; arrangement of the w. hending the universe, 49 (i), 196 sq.; through wisdom, 24, 100 sq. ; an w. of gods, men, and evil spirits, 49 oblation to the W., at the funeral, (ii), 130, 144, 149; the w. and its 29, 242; cosmography of the Rig- beings, see Beings; worldly 1., see veda, 32, 49-52, 55-7, the pheno- Life. menal w. consists of individual souls (6) ORIGIN, DISSOLUTION, AND REand the external material objects, NOVATION OF THE W. 34, 26; trembles in the prâna, 34, Discussions and speculations on 229-31; the w. is non-intelligent, the origin of the w., 1, 16 sq.; 19, impure, and has pain for its very 206-12, 206 n.; 39, 185, 187; 40, essence, hence different from Brah- 85 sq., 128 sq. ; 44, 102; "arranger man, 34, 299-305; 48, 413 sq., 417; of the w.,' 5,228; springs from being based on the individual soul, Brahman, 8, 244, 258; 34, xl, 15-19, the w. cannot have an independent 202, 305-8, 317, 320-30, 381-6, existence, 34, 322 sq.; is in all time 442 ; 38, 16, 21; 48,142, 285; but only that which is, 34, 332; 'the see also Brahman(e); origination and cause of suffering,' 34, 376 n., 378; salvation of the w., according to four great continents, 35, 130; Buddha, 10 (ii), 27 sq.; God the questions about eternity of the w. cause of the bondage, existence, and not answered by Buddha, 35, 205 ; liberation of the w., ruler and guardifferent philosophical views about dian of the w., 15, 265; origin of W., gods, and soul, 36, xxiii-xxv; all things after heaven and earth, 49(i),99 sq.; list of beings and things 16, 433, 435 sq.; worldly existence in the w., 36, 101 sq.; the text the has arisen from spiritual existence, w. is a fire indeed,'does not mean that 24, 153 sq.; rests on Atman, 25, the w. really is a fire, 38, 267 ; the 512; the appearance of the w. is term 'w,' denotes places of enjoy- due to Mâyâ, 34, xxv, 329 sq., 345; ment, 38, 387, 389, 390 ; the whole 38, 138 ; upâdâna the material w. is under a delusion, 39, 326 sq.; cause of the w., 34, xxv; a new Three Regions, 40, 249, 249 n.; the material w. sent forth by the Fire-altar as the Universe, 43, 381- Lord, 34, xxvii; originates from 90; as far as there are Form and Name the word, 34, 201-11; how that so far, indeed, extends this (universe), origination is to be understood, 34, 44, 28; imperishable w. gained by 203; is without a beginning, 34, libations to Mind and Speech, and 212, 359-61; is evolved by names
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