Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 676
________________ WORLD 659 and forms, 34, 233, 242, 357; the destruction of the w., 8, 107; evolution of the w. under the the wicked are born for the desuperintendence of a ruler, 34, struction of the w., 8, 115; the 268; doctrines concerning the dissolution of the w. approaches at origin of the w. which are opposed the termination of the destruction to the Vedânta, 34, 288 sq.; the of the great elements, 8, 335; depradhâna cannot be the cause of struction (pralaya, mahâpralaya) of the w., on account of the orderly the w. by fire and water at the end arrangement of the w. being im- of the Kalpa, 8, 387 sq. ; 19, 184, possible on that hypothesis, and 237, 263, 309, 309 n., 317; 21, 241; Scripture texts do not refer to it, 25, 17 sq., 18 n. ; 34, 212 sqq.; 38, 34, 363-7; 48, 200-8; cannot be 238; 49 (i), 143; the dreadful produced without activity, and wicked last epoch of the w., 21, therefore cannot have a non-intel- 259-61; the material w. is merged ligent cause, 34, 367-9; the Tão into Mâyâ at the time of reabsorpproduced One ; One produced Two; tion (pralaya) of the w., 34, xxvi, Two produced Three ; Three produced xciv; is the w. coeternal with All things, 39, 85 sq.; heaven and Brahman, or does it issue from it earth produced from the Tâo, 39, and is it refunded into it at stated 243 sq.; the Grand Beginning of all intervals ? 34, lii; 38, 3-73; its things, and the rise of existences, origin, subsistence, and dissolution 39, 315-17; evolution of things proceed from Brahman, 34, 15-19, out of the chaos, 40, 4, 4 n. ; Lâo- 286 sq., 309-14, 328; 38, 395 sq., zze enjoying himself in thinking 416; 48, 156-61, 174, 255, 259-61, about the commencement of things, 266; the periodical renovation of 40, 46-8, 47 n.; production of all the w. is no contradiction to the things from the (two forms of the) eternity of the Veda, 34, 211-16; Tâo, 40, 63, 250 sq.; origin of the the periodical dissolution and w. from the Primal Ether, 40, 311 origination of the w. compared to sq.; the w. is eternal, it has not the sleeping and waking states, 34, been created, nor will it perish, 45, 212; the phenomenal w. is the 245, 318; Gainas should not believe same in all Kalpas, 34, 215; in the that the w. is eternal or not eternal, pralaya of the w. the elements are 45, 405; view of the w. being the merged in Brahman only in such effect of Nescience refuted, 48, 102- a way as to continue to exist in a 19; sprung from agñâna of Brahman, seminal condition, 34, 242-5, 255; 48, 126; existed in the shape of 38, 371; the highest Self is the Darkness, 48, 400; origination of one unchanging witness of the creathe w, according to the Sânkhya, tion, subsistence, and reabsorption 48, 424 sq. ; the entire w. from of the w., 34, 312 ; the power of Brahmâ down to a blade of grass distinction founded on wrong knowsprings from Nescience attached to ledge remains even after the reBrahman, 48, 445 ; each god creates absorption of the w., 34, 313 ; in his own w., Brahman creates the pralaya of the w. would be imposentire w., 48, 472 ; Buddhist views sible if we adopted the atomic of the origination of the w. refuted, theory, 34, 386-9; there exists, 48, 500-16; see also Cause, and potentially, a connexion between Creation ;---periodical creation, de- the Self and the buddhi even in the struction, and regeneration of the state of pralaya, 38, 47 sq.; disw., 2, 160; 8, 107; 11, 216, 216 n.; solution of the w. means final 25, 21 sq.; 34, xxvii, 211 sq., 214; release, 48, 178 sq.; on account of 48, 394, 419; the Universal Soul sameness of names and forms there annihilates and produces by turns is no difficulty in the way of the the w., 7, 291; those who possess renovation of the w, after a total highest knowledge are not born at destruction (pralaya), 48, 333-5; the creation, and not afflicted with the same ws. created again and UU 2 Digitized by Microsoft ®


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