326 n., 332; an unfortunate w. who the royal harem do not pare their nails has been seduced bemoans her fate, nor pierce their ears, 39, 231; the 3, 437 sq.; a lady assures her lover male precedes, the female follows, of her affection unto death, 3, 440; 39, 335; to be gentle and obedient, those who exercise forbearance with 40, 243; the masculine is pure and the ignorant, learn even from w., moves, the feminine turbid and at 16, 65, 66 n.; ignorance and retire- rest, 40, 250. ment are proper in w., 16, 100, (g) W. IN ISLÂM. 101 n.; rules for w. driving in a Female infanticide of ancient chariot, 16, 205, 206 sq. n.; 27, Arabs, 6, x, 132 sq., 132 n.; position 96 sq.; male and female are sepa- of w. amongst the Arabs, 6, xi; rate, but they seek the same object, female infanticide forbidden by 16, 243; the firm correctness of a Mohammed, 6, lxxv, 135, 256, 256 n.; W., in peeping out from a door,' 16, 9, 4, 280, 322; degradation of w. in 293; their work in the preparation Islâm, 6, lxxv sq. ; 'believing w.' of silk, 27, 36 ; 28, 16, 16 n., 223 sq.; included in the promise of reward rules of propriety in intercourse in future life, 6, lxxvi, 70, 70 n., between male and female, 27,77 sq., 89, 183, 261; 9, 143 sq., 194, 233; 105,454 sq., 470; 28, 298 sq.; ladies your w. are your tilth, 6, 33; not to who should not be called by their be approached during menstruation, names, 27, 100 sq.; tie up their 6, 33; two w. equal to one man as hair in mourning, 27, 129; selling witnesses, 6, 45; property of w., 6, of concubines, 27, 145; mourning 71-5, 77; "the chapter of w.' in the costume of w., 27, 156; w. paying Qur'ân, 6, 71-96; men superior to visits of condolence, 27, 163; 28, w., 6, 77 ; law regarding w., 6, 90; 166 ; places of men and of w. at the Jewish and Christian w. allowed to funeral, 27, 175; on the roads men Muslim, 6, 98; preference of sons take to the right, w. to the left, 27, to daughters, 9, 5, 174; those who 244; their part in the ceremonies cast imputations on chaste w. shall connected with the silkworm rear- be cursed in this world and the ing, 27, 265; regulation of w.'s work, next, 9, 76; persons by whom w. 27, 278, 278 n., 303, 435, 479 ; 28, may be seen unveiled, 9, 76 sq., 431 ; deer and w. sent as tribute to 147 sq.; to be chaste and modest, the ruler, 27, 433,433 n.; the strong not display their ornaments, 9, 76 and the weak, 27, 440 ; the w. follows sq., 148; rules for social intercourse (and obeys) the man, in her youth, of w. past childbearing, 9, 81; she follows her father and elder brother; privileges granted to Mohammed in when married, she follows her husband; the matter of w., 9, 146; damsels when her husband is dead, she follows in paradise, 9, 170, 180, 220, 249, her son. Man' denotes supporter. A 261-3, 317 ; female offspring deman by his wisdom should be able to spised, 9, 212; absurdity of ascriblead others, 27, 441; education of ing daughters to God, while men girls, 27, 477, 477 n., 479; w.'s have sons, 9, 250, 252 ; law relating dress, 28, 15 sq., at festival meals to w. who have fled from idolators w. do not remove the dishes, 28, 20; to the Muslims, 9, 279 sq.; duties different mourning for males and of Muslim w., 9, 280. females, 28, 44; the positions and Womb: the great Brahman is the functions of male and female, 28, w., in which Krishna casts his seed, 62 ; distinction between males and 8, 107; earth, air, space, water, light, females, 28, 104 ; a man not to die mind, and understanding, termed in the hands of w., nor a w. in the seven ws., 8, 260; performances for hands of men, 28, 173; a man con- steadying the w., 42, 284, 467. See siders the head the most important also Birth, Body (parts of), and to him, a w. the waist, 28, 389; the Transmigration. female overcomes the male by her Wood, defiled, must not be used, stillness, 39, 32, 104; the members of 24, 353 ; w.-bricks of the fire-altar,
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