Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 641
________________ 621 VIMALA --VIPULA of the Nâga-king Sâgara appears as (i), xxxii ; 13, xxi sqq.; the Dhama Buddha, 21, 253 sq. makakkappavattana-sutta in the Vimaladatta, n. of a king, 21, 380. V., Maha Vagga, 11, 139; its diviVimaladattâ, wife of King Subha- sions, and what it is, 13, ix; the vyûha, converted with all the other Pâtimokkha, the nucleus of the V., women of the harem, became after 13, ix-xix; 30, xxxiv; the Suttawards a Bodhisattva, 21, 419-30. vibhanga contains an old commenVimalagarbha, prince, converts his tary of the Pâtimokkha, 13, xv-xix; father Subhavyûha, 21, 419-30; is the Sutta-vibhanga built up of three reborn as Bhaishagyarâga, 21, 430. portions, 13, xviii sq.; the nature Vimalânana, the 7th Tathâgata, 49 and contents of the Khandakas, 13, (ii), 6. xix sqq.; the Parivara-pâtha, a Vimalanetra, the 48th Tathâgata, later addition to the V., 13, xxiii 21, 22, 27; 49 (ii), 6. sq.; peculiar use of the term SuttaVimalanetra, prince, converts liis vibhanga, 13, Xxx sq.; translated father Subhavyûha, 21, 419-30; is into Chinese, 19, xi-xiii ; different reborn as Bhaishagyarâgasamud- copies of the v. brought to China gata, 21, 430. from Ceylon and from Patna, 19, Vimalaprabha, the 9th Tathậgata, xxvi sq.; life of Buddha in the V.. 49 (ii), 6. 19, xxvi-xxviii; on the division of Vimânas, or palaces of the gods: the V. into Bhânavâras or Portions Mahâvîra descended from the V. for Recitation, 20, 415-18; kept Pushpottara, 22, 190, 218; the secret from laymen, 35, 264-8, Laukântika V. are eightfold and 264 n., 265 n. See also Tipitaka. infinite in number, 22, 195; Arish- Vinayavada, see Philosophy. tanemi descended from the V. Vindâd-i-pê dâk, n.p., 5, 146 sq. Aparâgita, 22, 276; Rishabha de. Vindhya, one of the princes of scended from the V. called Sarvâr- mountains, 8, 346. thasiddha, 22, 281. Vindhyakoshtha,, the Muni Vimatisamudghâtin, son of a for- Arâda lives on, 49 (i), 77. mer Buddha Kandrasûryapradipa, Vinirbhoga, 1. of an acon, 21, 21, 19. 35+. Vimokkhâ, Pali t.t., stages of de- Vinîtâ,, Rishabha entered the liverance, 11, 213 n. See Deliver- state of houselessness in, 22, 283. ance, and Meditation (6). Viññana, see Consciousness, anil Vînâsp, n.p., 5, 146. Vigñana. Vinatâ, Garuda, son of, 8, 90, 90 n. Vipaskit, invoked at birth cereVinaya, Discipline,' rules of the monies, 30, 55. Buddhist Order, taught under the Vipassî, a saint, afflicted with dihead of Dhamma, 10 (i), xxxiji; sease, 36, 10. Oldenberg's researches into the Vipasyin, the first of the seven growth of the V., 10 (i), xxxiv; Tathâgatas, 21, 193. oral tradition to be considered as Vîpînîdak, 'the paederast,' one of authority for the true teaching of the seven heinous sinners, 18, 218, Buddha, when agreeing with Scrip- 218 n. ture and V., 11, 67-70 ; regulations Viprabandhu, one of the Gaupaconcerning putting and answering yanas, 46, 415. questions about V., 13, 262 sq.; Viprakitti, n. of a teacher, 15, 120, the rehearsal of the V. of the Five 187. See also Vemakitri. Hundred at Râgagaha, 20, 370-85; Vipras, satiated at the Tarpana, 29, Upâli and Ananda examined about 219. See also Superhuman beings. V, regulations, 20, 374-7; discus- Vîptak, 'thie pathic,' one of the sion about the minor and lesser seven heinous sinners, 18, 217 sq. rules at the council of Râgagaha, and n. 20, 377-9. Vipula, the chief of Râgagaha lills, Vinaya-pitaka, its early date, 10 36, 55. Arâda lives on., the Muni îryapradipa. Digitized by Microsoft ®


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