five excellences, 37, 179 ; things to (ii), 131; V. and her grandson, 13, be amassed in youtli, 37, 179 sq.; 320; inakes various presents to merit and benefits of teaching v. to Buddha and the Samghia, 17, 216– all, 37, 348-51, 354-7 ; virtuous 25, 227 sq.; 20, 130, 208; quesdeeds promoted by teaching v., 37, tious Buddha with regard to the 372 sq., 377 sq.; it is virtue that behaviour towards litigious Bhikmoves Heaven; there is no distance to khus, 17, 318. which it does not reach. Pride brings Visala, n.d., worshipped at the loss. and humility receives increase ; Agrahayana festival, 29, 131. this is the way of Heaven, 3, 52; nine Visâlâ, 1). of the palankin of the v, in conduct, 3, 54 sq., 221; there Arhat Pârsva, 22, 273. is no invariable model of 0.; a su- Vîsaris, see Vizaresha. treme regard to zhat is good gizes the Visagêna, see Vishvaksena. model of it, 3, 102; the fire v., 3, Vi sesha
",, Viseshamati, one of the sixteen 129, 466 n. ; the three V., 3, 140,
virtuous men'.
virtuous men, 21, 4 ; son of a former 144 sq., 144 1., 260, 260 n.; love of Buddha 9 v one of the five sources of hap- Viseshas, t.t.. elements, 15, 313. piness, 3, 149 ; bright v. more Vishavidya, Sk., science of venoms, fragrant than the millet, 3, 232; the 44 - end of punishment is to promote v., Vishnu
V., Vishnu, the god. 3, 254 sq., 260, 264; the cherishing
(a) In mythology. of v. secures repose, 3, 409 sq..
(6) In mysticism and philosophy. 409 n.; outward demeanour is an (c) Worship of V. indication of inward v.: admoni. (a) IN MYTHOLOGY. tions to practise them both, 3, 413- Epithets and names of V., 7, 17; filial piety as the root of all v.
xxviii sq., 9-11, 292-6; assumed
xxviii sa 3, 462, 465-88, 466 n.; the ten v.,
the shape of a boar and raised 27, 379 sq.; virtuous men selected
up the earth from the water, 7, 1-5, to take part in sacrificial cere
9, 296; 48, 95; resides in the monies, 27, 409 sq., 410 n.; the
Kshîroda or milk-ocean, 7, 6 sq.; ancient kings paid honour to the
seated on Sesha, the serpent, 7, 7 virtuous, 28, 216; wisdom, benevo
sq.; praised by the goddess of the lence, fortitude, three universal V., Earth, 7, 9-11; world of V., 7, 28, 313 ; v. is light as a hair, but
108, 156; colloquy of V, and the few can bear its burden, 28, 329, goddess of Earth, 7, 291-7; Krishna 335; v. is the root, wealth is the is V. among the Adityas, 8, 88, 94 branches, 28, 420; purity and still
sq.; Parasurama an incarnation of ness, the chief v., 39, 88; v. and
V., 8, 221; the presiding deity of wisdom become weapons of con- the feet and of motion, 8, 338; tention, when used with a view to
is the chief among the strong, 8, display, 39, 204. See also Morality. 346 ; is the ruler of men, demiVirûdhaka, n. of a god, 21, 4; one
gods, gods, demons, and Nâgas, 8, of the four rulers of the cardinal
347; the three steps of V., 12, 15, points, pronounces talismanic words
268-70; 26, 62 n., 130, 133, 155 for the benefit of preachers, 21, sq.; 30, 191 sq.; 32, 52, 133 sq.; 373.
44, 179, 399, 399 n.; 45, 86 n.; Virûpa, n.p., 46, 42.
legend of the dwarf V. through Virûpaksha, n, of a god, 21, 4; whom the gods obtained the whole worshipped at the Tarpana, 29, 121, world, 12, 59-61, 59 sq. n.; 41, 55, 149.
55 n.; the veshya of V., 12, 73, 73 Vis, i.e. the Vaisya caste. See Caste, n.; the wide-striding, 15, 45, 53; and Vaisya.
26, 162 sq., 171, 352; 32, 363 ; 42, Vîsadha, n.p., 23, 210.
89; called Visvabhrit, 15, 315; V. Vîsak, 11.p., 5, 135.
in the sun, V. is the sun, 15, 318; Visakhâ Migâramâtâ, the mother 44, 442 sq.; omitted in the enuof Migâra, a pious lay devotee, 10 meration of gods gathering round
363 ; 42,
in the
amatâ, the more
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