Pradhana, Time, and the totality of the three V.-steps, 41, 96; oblations embodied souls are forms of V., 48, to Agni, Soma, and V. at the 93; the soul of the Brahma-egg Dasapeya, 41, 113 sq., 116 n., 118; (world), 48, 127; is the Evolved, the V.-strides at the building of the Supreme Person under the name the altar, 41, 261, 275-83, 286-90; of v. glorified, 48, 359; from 1. 43, 298; deity of Dvipada metre, there sprang the world and in him it 43, 331; the Mahâvîra pot (at the abides; he makes this world persist and Pravargya) the head of V., 44, he rules it--he is the world, 48, 410, xlviii; rice pap for V. Sipivishta 461.
(the Bald), 44, 9 ; when the Agni(c) WORSHIP OF V.
hotra milk belongs to V., 44, 81; The sacrificer makes the V.- by performing the guest-offering strides at the end of the sacrifice, they sacrifice to V., and become V., 20, 1o, "o": 1., 2001 2, 18, 118 n.; 12, 268-70; 44,
; 14,4.Spacey WATIVI
44, 141; expiatory oblation to V., 120; worship of Bhagavat Vasudeva to V. Sipivishta, V. Narandhisha, V. or V., 7, xxvii-xxx, 208-11, 266, Aprîtapâ in case of certain mishaps 268 sq. ; worship of V. (called at the Soma-sacrifice, 44, 207-9; Vasudeva, or Kesava) as an ex- worshipped at the Asvamedha, 44, piatory cereinony, 7, 155 sq.; medi- 281, 291 n., 293 ; a dwarfish cow tation on Bhagavat Vasudeva or sacrificed to V. at the Asvamedha, V., 7, 289; meditation on Purusha 44, 300. V., 7, 290 sq.; oblations for Agni Vishnu, Arya, of the Mâtbara gotra, and V., 12, 7; 26, 88, 364 n.; the a Sthavira, 22, 294. pavitras or purifying kusa blades Vishnukumâra, elder brother of dedicated to V., 12, 19; 29, 25, Mahậpadma, 45, 86 n. 378; 30, 33; 41, 84 ; prayer to V., Vishnu-purâna, quoted, 48,780 sq. a penance or expiation, 12, 27, 27 Vishnu-smriti, belongs to the Kârân., 214 sq. ; 26, 35, 412 sq.; 30, yanîya-kathaka Sâkhâ of the Black 30; invoked to protect the sacrifice, Yagur-veda, and is closely connected 12, 94, 190; 26, 290 sq.; the priest with the Kathaka Grihya-sútra, 7, propitiates V., 12, 128; worship of ix-xvi, xxv-xxvii; V. and Vâsishtha V. alluded to in Upanishads, 15, 1, Dharma-sútras, 7, xvi-xx ; 14, xxi 45, 53; invoked in a prayer at sq., xxv; and Baudhayana's Dharmaconception, 15, 221; 29, 385; 30, sútra, 7, xix sq.; 14, xxxiv; and 51, 199; offerings to V., 26, 55, 87 Gautama Dharma-sútra, 7, xx; and sq., 106-8, 364 n., 390; 29, 327; Yâgñavalkya - smriti, 7, xx-xxii, 30, 91, 151 ; 44, 3 n.; the Soma- xxxii; and Manu-smriti, 7, xxicart belongs to V., 26, 131, 133 sq., xxvii, xxxii; 25, xliv, lxvi, lxix sq., 137, 139 sq. ; invoked and wor- lxxii; Vishnuitic tendencies in it, 7, shipped, 26, 159 sq., 352 ; 29, 27, xxvii; 25, lv; its more modern 84, 86, 121, 127, 136, 149, 219, 280, ingredients, 7, xxvii-xxxii; archaic 398, 30, 61, 244; 41, 38, 241; the forms in it, 7, xxxii; its date, 7, sacrificial stake sacred to V., 26, xxxii sq.; 25, cxxii sq. ; 33, xvi sg.; 162-4, 172 ; Soma libations for V., editions and MSS. of the V., 7, 26, 295; 32, 303; morning offer- xxxiii sq.; revealed by the god ing to V., 29, 14 ; worshipped at Vishnu, 25, xxi; based on a Kathaka the new moon sacrifice, 29, 17.11.; Dharma-sûtra, 25, xxi, xxiii, Ixvi, invoked at the ceremony of the Ixx; deficient in systematic arrangeseven steps, 29, 284; invoked in ment, 25, civ n. company with the Maruts, 32, 305, Vishuvat, t.t., see Sacrifice (j). 363-5; contemplated in the sacred Vishvaksena (Visasêna), i. e. Sâlagrâm, 34, 126, 178; contem- Krishna, the best of warriors, 45, plated in an image, 38, 338, 339, 290, 290 n. 345; offering to Agni and V., Indra Visishtakâritra, 1. of a chief and V., and to V., 41, 54 sq., 54 n.; Bodhisattva, 21, 284, 364, 367, 394, the king, at the consecration, makes 442.
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