Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 658
________________ WATER-BEINGS-WICKEDNESS 641 ssary for gooiscussion Wert. see Quarters Water-beings, water-bodies, see vited to a Sraddha, 2, 258; give Water (a). full w, and m., 6, 149, 214; 9, 5, Water-dwellers, fish and fishermen, 323 sq. ; law regarding w. and m., the people of King Matsya Sammada, 7, 23 sq., 35; 25, 276 sq.; penance 44, 369. for buying or selling with false w., Way, see Path. 7, 177; to be guarded by the king, Weakness, see Humility. 14, 97 ; standard w. and m. given Wealth, the sacrifice of, 8, 61 sq.; out by government, 28, 31 ; fixed pride of w., 8, 114 n., 116; human by the emperor, 28, 324; gift of w. and Brahmic w., 8, 161 sq. false w. and m. forbidden, 36, 121; 161 n.; the triad piety, w., and lust, wickedness of false w. and m., 40, 8, 246, 325, 331; only w. acquired 243. honestly is good, only by it a man Wei Shăng committed suicide, when is to be considered fortunate, 24, the girl with whom he had made 41-3, 93; w. acquired by crime, an appointment did not come, 40, the worst pleasure, 24, 49; how far 174; was drowned, 40, 180. worldly w. can be obtained by Wei-tâu, the Great Bear, got the exertion, 24, 54; the richest of the Tâo, 39, 136, 244, 244 n. poor, and the poorest of the rich, Wei-tho, sprites haunting marshes, 24, 55 sq.; seven kinds of men who 40, 19 sq. are rich, and seven who are poor, Welfare, conditions of, for a country, 24, 70 sg. ; why worldly goods are 11, 3 sq. ; for the community of not allotted to the worthy, 24, Bhikkhus, 11, 6-11; goddess of w., 75 sq. ; necessary for good works see Bhûti. and worship, 37, 319 sq.; discussion Weregeld, see Homicide. on the pursuit of w., 40, 180-5; West, see Quarters. lord of w., see Kubera. Wheat, headpiece of sacrificial post Weapons, do not pierce the soul, 8, made of, 41, 31 sq. 45, 250 ; thunderbolt the first of Wheel : King Ganaka is capable of w., 8, 89; celestial w., 8, 93; how turning the w. whose nave is the to give w. to generals and frontier Brahman, 8, 215, 306; the w. of governors, 37, 52; famous swords, time or worldly life, 8, 355-8, 39, 249, 249 sq. n. ; 40, 84, 84 n. 355 n., The turning of the W. See also Arrow, Bow, and War of the Law,' a false rendering of Weather: prayer for good w., w.- Dhammakakkappavattana, 11, 140 prophet, 42, 160, 532 sq.; ceremony sq. ; Buddhas turn the 'W. of the against stormy w., 42, 248, 249 sq. Law,' 19, 168-79, 168 n., 316; 21, Wedding, see Marriage. 159-73, 184 sq., 49 (i), 168 sq., Weeping: no tear must be shed on 172 sq., 180 sq. ; second turn of it the food at a Srâddha, 7, 248; 25, and commemoration of the first 117 sq. turn, 21, xxix, 70; set in motion at Wei, count of, and the ruin of the Benares, 21. 56;-treasure of the Shang dynasty, 3, 121-3; invested w. of King Sudassana, 11, 141, with the dukedom of Sung, 3, 252-4; the w. of sovereignty, 23, 161-3; as the duke of Sung, re- 136, 201, 201 n.; the w. treasure of ceived by the king in the ancestral a king of kings, 36, 136-8; the temple, 3, 327 ; made Yen his suc- chariot w. of the Kingdom of cessor, 27, 120. Righteousness, 36, 234, 273 sq. ; Wei, duke of Kâu, Thien Khậi- the Brahman priest mounts a kih has an interview with him, 39, cart-w., 41, 22; cart-w., or potter's 150; 40, 16 sg. w. would creak if not steadied, 44, Wei, king of Khû, offers Kwang-zze 126. the administration of his territories, White horse, see Horse, and Pedu. 39, 390, 390 n. Whore, See Prostitution. Weights and Measures: one who Wickedness: there is a hope for uses false w. and in. not to be in everything but w., 5, 396; a bad S.B. IND. Tt Digitized by Microsoft ®


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