Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 662
________________ WIFE, WIVES-WILL 645 377; classes of ws., 18, 185 n.; 24, sq.; submission fortunate in a w., 316, 316 n.; to be obedient to their while the husband must decide husbands, 23, 345 ; 24, 78; a vir- what is right, 16, 307; 27, 380 ; tuous w. is a good helper of enjoy- mutual love of husband and w., 16, ment, 24, 41; to be protected, 24, 313, 313 n.; 27, 440; entering into 67; the worst w., 24, 69; may his palace and not seeing his w. is conduct legal proceedings for her inauspicious, 16, 326, 390 ; origin husband, 37, 55, 55 1. ; litigation of the relations of husband and w., about the ownership of a w., 37, father and son, 16, 435 sq. ; posi61; quarrels between husband and tion of w, in China, 27, 27, 457 sq., W., 37, 65 sq., 66 n., ICO; crime of 470, 479; in the ruler's ccurt one not naintaining ws. and children should not speak of ws, and under control, 37, 68; husband's daughters, 27, 103; titles and desiginquiry into the sin of a w., 37, 77; nations of ws., 27, 112 sq. ; buried limit of w.'s liberality, of w.'s in the same grave with the husband, reverence for a husband, 37, 99; 27, 132, 202 ; does not dare to see duties of a w., 37, 100, 381-3; in- her husband's parents without her come of w. and child, 37, II;; upper robes, 27, 176; presides at evil-speaking to ws, of others, 37, the funeral rites, 27, 316; 28, 75; 130; a good w, among the four ladies of the harem as teachers, 27, things to be acquired in youth, 37, 350 n. ; husband and w. at cere180; merit of giving a virtuous w. monies, 27, 410-12; faithfulness to a righteous man, 37,204; Zoro- the virtue of a w., 27, 439; aster's desire for a good w., 47, supplied with what was left from 153 sq. the rulei's meal, 28, 4, 4 n.; de(d) IN CHINA. meanour of ws. on festive occaHis w. and mother take part in sions, 28, 74 sq.; as personatrix of the feast of Duke Hsi, 3, 346, the dead, 28, 75; look after the 346 n.; assists at sacrifices and rites silkworms, 28, 239; respect to be in ancestral temple, 3, 366 sq., shown to the w., 28, 266 ; inside the 366 n.; 27, 454, 457, 459; 28, 33, female apartments a man may sport, 212, 214, 240 sq., 247; a w.'s com- but should not sigh, 28, 291; virtue plaint of being forsaken or badly of w. and virtue of husband, 28, treated by her husband, 3, 376, 364; Ai-thai Tho's w. would rather 376 n., 433 sq.; the industry and be his concubine than the w. of reverence of a prince's w. assisting any other man, 39, 229; bad men him in sacrificing, 3, 431 sq. and n.; led by ws. or concubines to dishusband and w. looking on each obey their parents, 40, 242. other with averted eyes, 16, 77; an (e) IN ISLÂM. old husband and a young w.-an Pure ws. for the believers in old w. and a young husband-ex- paradise, 6, 4, 48 ; ws. are a garment traordinary associations, 16, 117, unto you, and ye a garment unto them, 118 n., 302 sq., 303 n.; auspicious- 6, 26; maintenance for a year to be ness of union with a young w., 16, bequeathed to ws., 6, 37; arbitra123, 124 sq. n.; duties of husband tion between husband and w., 6, and w., 16, 126, 127 sq. n.; 28, 77; punishment of refractory ws., 245, 245 1., 2.47 sq.; 40, 243; the 6, 77; impartiality and kindness duties of a good w., 16, 136-8, towards ws., 6, 90; law concerning 138 n.; 27, 55; 28, 431-4; 40, an imputation of unchastity to a w., 243; it will not be good to marry 9, 73 sq.; God created ws. for men a female who is bold and strong, and made between them affection 16, 154, 156 1. ; an economical w., and pity, 9, 126, 206; special injunc16, 178; the correct place of the tions for the ws. of Mohammed, 9, w. in the family, 16, 242, 243 n.; 142 sq. and n., 147 sq. relations between husband and w., Will: about free w., 24, 236 sq.; 16, 278 sq. ; 27, 27, 457 sq., 470 where the w. is not diverted from its Digitized by Microsoft ®


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