birth, 1, 243-5; Arthasâstra, the 323; 25, 476; rule about sipping of knowledge which Sûdras and w. water for w., 7, 199; the share of possess, a supplement of the Athar- departed w, and maternal ancestors va-veda, 2, xxxii, 171, 171 n.; are in the Sraddhas, 7, 238 sq.; Lakshmi not initiated, 2, 2 n.; how the Brah- resides in the body of a married w., makârin should behave towards and of an unmarried damsel, 7, 299; W., 2, II, 34; 14, 152-4, 157; 25, Lakshmî resides in virtuous w., 7, 69; must not refuse alms to Brah- 300 sq.; become corrupt by neglect makârins, 2, 12; the Brahmakârin of family rites, 8, 41; even w. should not gaze at, or touch w., 2, attain the supreme goal, 8, 85, 85 n., 25 sq., 188; the recitation of the 255; 'seven females,' giving birth Veda must be interrupted, when a to the universe, 8, 287, 287 n.; student and a Sûdra w. look at each association with w. belongs to the other, 2, 34; purification prescribed quality of passion, 8, 324; among on touching a w., 2, 59; penances w. who are a source of happiness, to be performed by w., 2, 84, 84 n.; the Apsarases are chief, 8, 347; the an initiated person shall not eat the goddess Mâhesvarî, the chief of leavings of w., 2, 122, 122 n.; rites those who are followed by men and customs to be learnt from w., full of desires,' 8, 347; the altar 2, 138, 138 n., 171; 29, 182; 30, represented as a w, embracing the 255; shall not perform religious man (fire), 12, 63 ; 26, 119 sq. ; rites, sacrifices, vows, fasts, 2, 139, the offering-spoon is female, the 270, 270 n. ; 25, 161, 196, 437; dipping-spoon is male, 12, 71; w. 30, 267 ; newly-married or unmar- eat apart from men, 12, 259; ried damsels, sick w., and pregnant maidens worship Rudra Tryambaka w. must eat before the householder, to obtain husbands, 12, 441; rules and may eat even before guests, 2, of purification for w., and Sûdras, 204; 7, 216; 14, 265; 25, 96, 96 n.; 14, 21, 167; what has been handled 29, 86; rules for the Snataka with by w. must be purified, 14, 22; regard to w., 2, 222, 224 ; 14, 243; Indra and the w., 14, 33,61; belong 25, 137; 29, 123, 317-19, 409 ; to Soma, Gandharva, and Fire, be30, 85; funeral rites for female fore they belong to men, 14, 133; relations, 2, 253; 7, 86; 14, 28, begging from w., 14, 157; 44, 50; 28 n., 177 sq.; 29, 358 sq.; a person are pure at the time of dalliance, who sacrifices for w. not to be in- 14. 170; are considered to have no vited to a Sraddha, 2, 257; sins business with the sacred texts, 14, 178; whereby w. become outcasts, 2, 281, 25, 330; less severe penances for 281 n.; dying in defence of w. and w., 14, 221, 223; an ascetic must children secures beatitude, 7, 67; not speak with w., 14, 282 ; are the 25, 416; impurity of w. after a devatâ of the loving person, 15, miscarriage, 7, 90; 14, 182 ; 25, 143 ; the creation of w., 15, 215; 179 ; impurity on the death of w., aged w. perform rites at the birth 7, 90; 25, 180; the marriage of a child, 19, 7; names of w., 25, ceremony is considered as the 35, 76 sq. ; 29, 183, 297; 30, 58, initiation of w., 7, 90; impurity 283; are naturally wicked, 25, 69, by death and childbirth, with regard 330; milk of w., forbidden food, to w., 7, 91 sq.; the mouth of a 25, 171 ; no funeral libations for w. is always pure, 7, 103; 25, 192; wicked w., 25, 184; mode of purifireligious rites for girls, except cation for w., 25, 193; punishment marriage rites, performed without in future births of w., 25, 499; sacred texts, 7, 114; 25, 42, 330, pursued by Rakshas, 26, 35; Gan330 n.; 29, 57, 183 sq., 298, 397; dharvas fond of w., 26, 53; 42, 34 ; 30, 59, 62 ; while engaged in per- auspicious or evil bodily marks of forming penances or rites securing w., 29, 21, 165; 30, 42, 256 sq.; success, one must avoid convers- 42, 109, 260 sq. ; 43, 81; happy ing with w., 7, 151; 14, 124, 305, young w. who are not widows
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