weapons of wizards, 24, 276 ; sin of, and penances for, slaying w., Haona invoked against demons, 2, 79 sq., 284-6; 7, 158; 14, 107 sorcerers, and w., 31, 236 ; wizards sq., 212; 25, 444, 448; way must and w. to be punished, 37, 259; be made for a (pregnant) w., 2, 126, Ki-hsien, a wizard and soothsayer, 171, 211; 7, 203; 14, 68 sq., 243; 39, 262 sq.; a female practiser of 25, 55; w. in the law of inheritance, love-spells sacrificed at the Purusha- 2, 133 sq. n., 303 n., 305 sq. n., 306, medha, 44, 414; Sîtô slain by w., 310; 7, 68-70, 73 sq.; 14, xxvi, 89, 47, 137 sq.; wizards attempt to 230 sq. and n.; 25, 348, 349 n., 352
harm the infant Zoroaster, 47, 145. sq. and n., 358 n., 366 n., 367 11., Witnesses, law about, 2, 170 sq., 370-2 and n., 377 n., 378, 378 sq.
246-9; 7, 39, 44, 47-52 ; 14, 80, n.; 33, xv, 49, 189-96, 201 sq., 202 82 sq., 202-4 ; 25, 263-75, 284, 1., 377-81, 383; all or some w. are 284 n. ; 33, xiii, 21, 23, 30, 34, 38, free from taxes, 2, 164; 14, 99 : 58-60, 64 sq., 70, 77, 79-96, 235, not lost to the owner by adverse 244-8, 295, 297, 299-304, 311-14, possession, 2, 243; 14, 81; 25, 279, 331, 334, 339, 352; 37, 38; examin- 279 sq. n. ; 33, 61, 61 n. ; in an ing and exhorting w., 2, 248 sq.; action concerning w., or the pro33, 90-6; false witnesses not to be creation of offspring, the defendant invited to a Sraddha, 2, 257; giving must answer without delay, 2, 249 ; false evidence a mortal sin, causes in childhood a female must be subject to loss of caste, 2, 281; 7, 134; 14, her father, in youth to her husband, 218; 25, 441; false evidence per- when her lord is dead to her sons; a w. mitted, if true evidence would cause must never be independent, 2, 270 n.; death, 7, 50; penance for false w., 7, 1; 14, 31, 231 ; 25, 195, 327 7, 176; 25, 448; women and slaves sq. ; 33, 196 sq. ; separate property not accepted as w., 24, 78; one of w. (strîdhana), 2, 306; 7, 69 sq.; quarter of the guilt falls on a false 25, 84 sq. and n., 370-2 and n. ; 33, W., 25, 255; false evidence for 136 n., 183, 190, 190 sq. n., 263 sq., pious ends, 25, 272; w. concerning 383; fine for defamation of a maiden, boundary marks, 25, 299 sq.; false 7, 29; 25, 294; pregnant w. exempt w.and slayers of a Brâhmana equally from fare or toll, 7, 36; 25, 325; guilty, 33, 301; perjured w. punished of female slaves and cattle, the offas 'open thieves,' 33, 360 sq. See spring shall be taken as interest, 7, also Judicial procedure, Oath, 43; 33, 67; w. in the law of debts, Ordeals, and Woman (a, g).
7, 45; 33, 45-9; a document exeWives, see Wife.
cuted by a w. makes no evidence, Wizards, see Witches.
7, 47; 33, 76, 307; cannot be witWolf, origin of, 41, 131; 44, 215. nesses, 7, 48; 25, 268; 33, 86, 89 See also Animals (k).
sq.; certain ordeals fit, others unfit Woman, Women.
for w., 7, 54; 33, 98, 101, 113, 248 (a) Social and legal position of w. in India.
sq.; illegitimate intercourse with (6) W. in Brâhmanisın.
w., 7, 62-5, 222 ; w. and the inter(c) W. in Buddhism.
mixture of castes, 7, 66; duties of (d) W. in Gaina religion. (C) W. in Zoroastrianism.
W., 7, 110 sq.; 25, Ixix, 42, 194-7; C W . in China.
33, 368; the crime of killing a w. (g) w. in Islâm.
in her courses, or a pregnant w., or See also Abortion, Adultery, Daugh- an âtreyî, equal to the murder of a ters, Impurity, Marriage, Mother, Brâhmana, 7, 133 sq.; sin of interNiyoga, Prostitution, Sexual inter- course with w. who drink spirituous course, Widows, and Wife.
liquor, 7, 137; 25, 443 sq. ; the (a) SOCIAL AND LEGAL POSITION OF male the ruler of females, 8, 345 W. IN INDIA.
sq. ; adorned w. enumerated among How female relations and other the wealth of kings, 10 (ii), 50 ; 35, w. should be saluted, 2, 53 sq., 208 267; the male represents energy, sq. ; 14, 67, 153 sg. ; 25, 52, 54; the fenjale is without energy, 12,
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