224 ; is always pure, 14, 132; power of w., 4, So, So n., 83 sq., 93, Ekadhanâ w. used for mixing with 106-12, 126-31, 216 sq. ; defiling the Somna, 26, 102, 102 n., 232 sq., w. by bringing a corpse into it, an 232 1., 237 sq., 423; a means of abomination, 4, 82; 18, 229; the appeasement, of soothing, a medi- cleanser delights w., 4, 133 ; spell to cine, 26, 120, 144, 192 sq., 199, purify w., 4, 142 sq.; killing a w.374 ; 41, 220; 43, 169, 187; 44, dog brings about a drought, 4, 168 ; 179 sq., 497 sq., 501; the Vasatî- how to keep it from defilement, 4, varî w. for the Soma pressings, 26, 186; cleansing and generative power 147, 222-6, 231, 232 n., 233, 235 of the w., 4, 232 n. ; defiled by sq., 247, 293 sq.454; 41, 10, pouring dast-shô into it, 4, 264 sq. ; 73 n. ; 44, 275, 275 n., 372, 372 consecration of fire and w., 5, 224n., 377; an elixir of immortality, 7; the holy-w. (zôhar) not to be 26, 374 ; 44, 425; the Svastyayana contaminated, 5, 257, 257 n. ; holyceremony performed when going to w. (zôhar) presented to the sacred cross w., 29, 127; leading the bride fire, 5, 300, 341; atonement for sins round the w.-pot, 29, 168 ; poured against w., 5, 307; rites performed out for the manes, 29, 252 sq.; with holy-1., 18, 170 sq., 204-7, sprinkling the bride or bridal pair205 n., 209, 251 sq., 283, 286; 24, with w., 29, 284, 380, 383, 30, 43, 28; 37, 253 sq.; the course and 46 sq.; ceremony of putting up the benefit of the w. of Arekdvisûr, W.-barrel, 29, 349 sq. ; 30, 286; 18, 262 sq.; healing power of w., designated by sraddha, 38, 106-8; 18, 262 sq. ; 31, 292; Gôpaîtóshah preparation of the king's) con- pours holy-w. into the sea, to kill secration w., 41, 73-80; different noxious creatures, 24, 111 sq.; sin kinds of w. for consecration, 41, of pouring away or drinking water 73 sq. ; king sprinkled with con- in the dark, 24, 292 ; contaminated secration w., 41, 83-5, 94-6; 42, by a menstruous woman, 24, 332; U sq., 378-81; ws. are the udders polluted by dead matter, 24, 336-9; of the sky, 41, 284; poured out as 37, 155-7, 159; disturbed by una thunderbolt to clear himself of all truth, 37, 73; consecration of w.at evil, 41, 324; jarfuls of w., sym- the beginning of battle, 37, 89; bolical of rain, poured on the altar- ceremonial of the w., 37, 96 sq. ; ground, 41, 335-7; diseases healed sin of carrying evil to w., 37, 103; with spring-w., 42, 9, 277 sq.; plants offering up of w., 37, 107; care and and w. foremost among remedies, propitiation of w., 37, 124, 127, 195; 42, 41; the ws. cure all disease, 42, 47, 162 ; sin of concealing w. on a 41; preparation of holy w., 42, road, 37, 146; reverencing w., 37, 628 ; frog, lotus-flower, and bamboo- 231; uncleanness of well-w. at shoot, three kinds of w., 43, 174 night, 37, 471; conveying holy-w. sq. ; all objects of desire are the to the priest, 47, 91; squeezing ws., 43, 389; thrown for exorcis. Hôm into w., 47, 154-used at ing, 43, 438; is a beautiful object, sacrifices, 27, 445 ; striding over 44, 426 ; is the body of Vishnu, 48, the well, a crime, 40, 243. See also +23; will not cleanse a way sin, 49 Purification, and Sacred objects. (i), 74; ordeal by w., see Ordeals; - (c) THE WS, DEIFIED, GODDESSES. sacredness of w. in Zoroastrianism, Prayers and homage to the W., 4, Ixii, Ixiv, Ixxy-lxxvii; does not 2, 85, 295; 12, 21-3; 14, 250 sq. ; kill, 4, 49, 52, 52 n.; how Ahura- 26, 23, 42, 231 sq., 232 n., 234 sq.; Mazda purifies the w. defiled by 29, 67; 30, 61, 150, 165, 230; 41, corpses, 4, 49, 54 sq.; sin of con- 19, 230, 230 n. ; 42, 146 sq., 348; tamination of w., 4, 51, 121; 5, 84, offerings to the W., 2, 107, 203; 248 n., 258, 265-9, 268 n., 282 sq., 25, 91; 26, 23; 29, 320, 388 ; 30, 285, 310, 378; 37, 108, 149 sq.; 22; adjured at the ordeal by w.: purification of w., when defiled by Thon, W., dwellest in the interior the dead, 4, 67, 71-3; purifying of all creatures, like a witness,' &c.,
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