Gal life,
fourth entity, as connected with the duces creatures, 43, 32; is food, 43, self it is the tongue, with objects 35; 44, 275, 425, 443; springs forth taste, its presiding deity Soma, 8, from the rock, 43, 169 sq. ; the 337, 340; the flowing element of food of Vâyu, 43, 335; the sun the body, 8, 343; taste is the floats along the w., 43, 367 sq., 368 characteristic of w., 8, 348-50, n.; found in the earth by digging, 352; is the best of all drinks, 8, and in the sky (rain), 44, 15; one 354 ; relation of fish and w., lotus- of the six doors to the Brahman, leaf and w., 8, 374 ; sound, 44,66 sq. ; ' from the ws. I take thy touch, colour, and taste are the blood,' 44, 133; Gainas believe that qualities of w., 8, 384; storehouse w. is possessed of life, 45, xix; of ws. beneath the earth, 11, 130; women and w. cause loss of sanctity this universe is pervaded by w., 12, to a Gaina monk, 45, 266; in old 8; 44, 15; symbolically ws, indi- times some great sages reached cate assembled multitudes of men, perfection, though they drank cold 16, 22 ; a symbol of the course to w., 45, 268 sq.; by ablutions w.be followed by the sage in dealing beings are hurt, 45, 295; origin and with danger, 16, 236, 237 n.; sins feeding of w.-bodies, 45, 396 sq., caused by actions injuring the souls 396 n.; eight good qualities of w., in w., 22, 5-7; how the Gaina monk 49 (ii), 93, 93 n. See also Parables may use w., 22, 107 sq.; how it is (f), and Rain. mingled in the earth, 24, 36 ; how (6) SACREDNESS OF W. the flow of the w. is arranged, 24, Rinsing of the mouth with w., 85 sq.; nature of fire and w., 24, w. a dress for breath, 1, 74, 74 n.; 123 sq.; diverting and obstructing 15, 204, 312; 38, 211-14; 48, 640 W.-courses, 25, 106; fire sprang sq. ; is a sacred object, 2, 94; 14, from w., 25, 399, 399 1.; the 36; 33, 222, 277-80; 38, 105, 108 essence of plants, 26, 142 ; there sq. ; the w.-vessels in the house are no souls in w., 36, 85-91 ; quali- shall never be empty, 2, 101, 101n.; ties of w. oozing and flowing, 37, 8, 359; overturning the w.-vessel 119; about canals and fords, 37, of a sinner who is cast off, 2, 278; 127-9 ; w. is dissolved into fire, sipping w. a purification, 7, 94 1., earth is dissolved into w., 38, 26; 95, 104, 198 sq. ; 14, 320; a nieans the soul goes from one body into of purifying, 7, 96-102, 105; 12, another, enveloped by W., 38, 3, 211, 213, 267; 25, 191; not to 103-5, 106-10, 112; the soul as- be contaminated, 7, 227; 25, 137; sumes a body of w. in the moon, offering of w., 8, 85; Brahmakârin 38, 127; essence of the ws. con- must always carry w. with him, 8, tained in the sun, 41, 7; the foun- 360; the devotee should bathe in dation of the universe, 41, 293; 44, and do everything with clean w., 8, 205 ; is unsettled, 41, 301; heaven 364 ; brought forward' (pranîtâb) is the w. of the atmosphere beyond for sacrifice, the Pranîtâ or lustral and below the sun, 41, 305; there w., 12, 7-9, 7 n., 9 11., 23 n., 265; is w. not only in the channels of the 26, 12, 12 11. ; 44, 21, 35, 119 sq., vital airs, but in the whole body, 120 n., 270, 492 ; is a thunderbolt, 41, 337; 43, 35 ; lotus-leaf means 12, 9, 65, 189 sq.; 26, 7; 44, 266, W., 41, 343, 364; the earth lies 438, 501; a means of expiation, 12, spread on the ws., 41, 364; founded 45, 56 ; 14, 121, 320; 29, 248 sq.; on the mountains, 41, 405; the eye 44, 266 sq. ; means ambrosia, 12, is the abode, the ear the goal, the 268; 44, 87; sprinkling w. on the sky the seat, the air the home, fire-place = supplying the fire with the sea the womb, sand the sedi- food, 12, 277; libation of w. ment of the ws., 41, 416; the ants accompanying a gift, 13, 143 ; 17, dig up w. to destroy poison, 42, 27, 250 sq., 251 n.; the Brâhmana 511 ; fire in the w., 42, 54; by must always keep w. or carry a w.union with the ws. Pragâpati pro- pot, 14, 44, +1 n., 49, 160-4, 163 1.,
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