ledge, 1, 70 sq. See also Sacred Walîd ibn Mughairah, an apostate syllables.
and enemy of Mohammed, 9, 253 Vyakta, Arya, Sthavira of the Bhâ- n., 295 n., 309 n. radvâga gotra, 22, 286.
Wa-lung, a class of sprites, 40, 19. Vyâna, see Prânas.
Wăn, Duke, an ancestor of ZzeVyantara gods, see Superhuman kâo served under, 28, 169, 169 n.; beings.
Duke W. and Kieh Zze-thui, 40, Vyapagatakhiladosha, the 58th 173 sq. Tathậgata, 49 (ii), 7.
Wăn, the earl of Thăng, worc Vyapagatakhilamalapratigho - mourning for his uncle, 27, 152.
sha, the 25th Tathâgata, 19 (ii), 6. Wăn, the king: the Shih from the Vyarsvant, n.p., 23, 210.
time of W. to that of Ting, 3, xvi; Vyàsa, or Krishna Dvaipayana, and authorship of Yî King ascribed to
Dhritarashtra, 8, 3; author of King W. and his son Tan, 3, xvi Mahâbhârata, 8, 6 sq., 204, 206 sq.; sq. ; 16, xiii, xT-xix, 5 sq., 10, 19author of Vedanta-sútras, S, 33; 23, 26 sq., 31-5, 54, 57, 58 11., 351 48, 528; calls Krishna the first god, n., 396 54. 11.. 404 1., 23 n.; father S, 87; chief among sages, 8, 91; of Wî, 3, 126, 130, 134; 28, 299; by the favour of V., Saïgaya heard ancestor of the duke of Kâu, 3, 152 the dialogue between Krishna and sq.; ten sons of W., 3, 164; his Arguna, 8, 130; satiated at the virtue and famc, culogies on him, Tarpana, 14, 255; 30, 244; the 3, 165 sq., 169 sq.; 28, 67, 339, author of numerous treatises, 19, 416; gave instructions to the young IT; conversed with the gods face to nobles, 3, 174-6; W. and Wû the face, 34, 222 sq.; quoted, 38, 43; model kings, 3, 192 sq., 222-5, 235 48, 406; Apântaratamas was born sq., 241, 244-6, 251-3, 265 sq.; again as V., 38, 235; sets free the 28, 167, 282, 322 sq., 352, 355, 363; sacrificial horse, 44, xxvii; Parâsara's W. and Wû worshipped as departed son, his teaching, 48, 3; arranged ancestors, 3, 194 sq., 328; 28, 202, the Vedas, 49 (i), 9.
209; mild and humble, was king for Vyâsâdhikaranamâlà,
fifty years, 3,203 sq., 203 n.; the xxxi.
tranquillizing king, 3, 206, 208; his Vyâsa-smriti, date of the, 33, xvi. excellent ministers, 3, 208 sq.; Vyashti, n. of a teacher, 15, 120, punishments of his sons, the princes 187 sq.
of Kwan, of Zhâi, and of Hwo, 3, Vyatana, n.p., 23, 218.
211; grandfather of Hû, 3, 212; Vyavahâra, Sk.t.t., the phenomenal sacrifices to and praises of King W., world, 34, xxvi.
3, 313-17, 325, 328, 335 sq.; V. Vyûha, Sk., Vedântic term, 34, and Wî continued the work of xxiii.
Thâi, 3, 342; praise of King W., Vyûharâga, a prominent Bodhi- dead and alive, as the founder of sattva, 21, 394.
the Kâu dynasty, 3, 377-81, 385-8, 390-5; his birth, 3, 380 sq. ; his marriage, 3, 381; King W. and the
chiefs of Yü and Zui, 3, 385, 385 n.; W
warns Kâu-hsin, 3, 410-12; "the
Accomplished One,' 3, 427, 427 n.; Wadd, Arabian god of heaven, 6, xii; worshipped in the Brilliant Hall as an idol worshipped by the Arabs, the correlate of God, 3, 477 ; first 9, 303.
multiplied the figures from the triWages, law about, 14, 81; 25, 253, grams to the sixty-four hexagrams, 293 ; 33, 134, 139-44, 273 sq.; 37, 16, 13 sq.; state of the country in 91; are valid gifts, 33, 129, 343; the time of W., 16, 19 sq., 63 n. ; abstracting the increase of labourers' in prison occupied with the lineal wages, a crime, 37, 44 sq. See also figures, 16, 21; table of his triLabour, and Labourers.
grams, 16, 33; treatise on the
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