V., 37, 354, 368; the decrees of Volition, not dependent on a body, Vistâsp are through V., 37, 355; 48, 168 sq. See also Will. Vohûmanic attainment to the Vologeses I, see Valkhash. religion, 37, 362; protection from Vouru-baresti, worshipped, 31, 349. the annoying spirit through resem- Vouru-garesti, worshipped, 31, 349. blance unto V., 37, 363 ; guards the Vouru-Kasha, the sea,the gathering. creatures of Allharmazd, 37, 375, place of the waters, 4, 54-6,22 1,231396 sq.; the words of V., 37, 380, +, 232 n. ; 23, 172 sq.; Ardvi Sûra 386 ; Vohûmanic peacefulness, 37, Anâhita flows into the sea V., 23, 381; in whose body V. is lodging, 54 sq., 181 sq.; 31, 317; the shores 37, 382; Zoroaster's meeting with of the sea V. boiling over, 23, 63; V., 47, x, Xv; makes the new-born the Glory waving in the middle of Zoroaster laugh, 47, xiv, 123; V. the sea V., 23, 64 sq., 298-301, 305; and Ashavahistô descend with a stem Aregat-aspa and Vandaremaini sacof Hôm to cause the birth of Zara- rifice by the sea V., 23, 80 sq.; tûst, 47, sxix, 22-8; Srôsh and V. Tistrya, in the shape of a horse, protect Zaratûst, 47, 39, 146; con- flies towards the sea V., 23, 94, 96, veys Zoroaster to a conference with 99-101, 103 sq., 106; the Fravashis Allharmazd and the archangels, 47, watch over the sea V., 23, 194, 41, 47-50, 57, 62, 156-8; assists 196; the sacred beast in the sea V., Zoroaster in converting Vistâsp, 47, and V., worshipped, 31, 291, 321, 67-9, 164; reliance upon V., 47, 87; 346. enters the reason of Zoroaster at Vouru-nemah, n.p., 23, 220, 220 n. his birth, 47, 142, 151; prescribes to Vouru-savah, n.p., 23, 220, 220 11. Zaratûst the protection of animals, Vows (Sk. Vrata): a vow by 47, 160 sq., 161 n.
which one obtains good memory, Vohûmano, King, see Vohûman, fame, wisdom, heavenly bliss, and King.
prosperity, 2, 147; one who desires Vohunemah, or Vohûnêm, son of prosperity shall perform special v. Avâraostri, 23, 208; 47, xxx, 165; under the constellation Tishya, 2, an upholder of the religion, 47, 166. 148-52; connected with Veda-study, Vohunemah, son of Katu, 23, 213, 2, 216; 25, 60, 60 n., 62, 62 n.; Vohu-peresa, son of Ainyu, 23, 30, 69-77, 69 n.; special v. under218.
taken by the Brahmakârin, 7, 121, Vohuraokah,son of Frânya, 23, 204. 121 n. ; 25, 476, 476 n.; 29, 8 sq., Vohuraokah, son of Varakasa, 23, 69 n., 76-83, 404 sq.; the good house212.
holder shall be of pure v., 8, 359 sq. ; Vôhûrêkô-i Frahânyân, ancestor teaching the ritual for making v. of the mothers of apostles, 47, 106, and performing them, a 'low art' III, 115
to be avoided by the Bhikkhu, 11. Vohu-ustra, son of Akhnangha, 23, 199; how the sacrificer, by divesting 217.
himself of the v., becomes human Vohûvastô, see Vohvasti.
again, 12, 273 ; observance of the Vohuvazdah, son of Katu, 23, 213. v. before entering on sacred rites, Vohvasti, son of Snaoya, or Vohû- 12, 292, 294; no impurity for those vastô, son of Snôê, a priest at the engaged in v., 14, 102; 25, 183 sq.; renovation, 23, 203; 37, 262, 262 n. the v. called Siras purify from sin, Vohv-asti, son of Pouru-dhakhsti, 14, 128, 128 1.; the vow of silence, 23, 211.
14, 136; nine modes of living with Voice, and the Lord of the V., special v. for householders, 14, 284worshipped at the end of the Svâ- 91; are a preparation for union dhyâya, 29, 219.
with Brahnian, 25, 34; performed Void, a Bodhisattva looks upon all under false pretences, 25, 160; things as, 21, 264 sq., 266 sq.; doc- women not to undertake v., 25, 196; trine of a general v., 34, 439; 38, sin of breaking v., 25, 442, 442 n.; 14, 168. See also Nirvâna.
observances for special v., 29, 187,
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