Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 646
________________ VISPÅN-FRYÀ VISVAKARMAN 629 Vispan-fryâ, n.p., 5, 135, 135 n. 117; Zarathustra exhorts V. to Visparad, or Vispêrad, studied by adhere to the Law of Mazda, 23, priests, 18, 153, 153 n.; translated, 324, 330-45; Zarathustra pro31, 333-64, 335 n.; the V. service, nounces blessings on V., 23, 32437, 170, 170 n. 30; 31, 15, 22; the V. Yast, 23, Vispa-taurvairi, other name of 324-45; shared heaven through Eredat-fedhri, 23, 226; Saoshyant, wisdom, 24, 102; Gâmâspa and V., son of V., 23, 307. 31, 76, 76 n.; Kavi V. reached Vispataurvashi, n. of a holy wisdom (Kisti), 31, 177, 185 ; Kavi woman, 23, 225. V. offers prayers, &c., to AhuraVispa-thaurvo-asti, Asta-aurvant, Mazda, 31, 190 sq.; caused the son of, 23, 117, 279. Avesta to be written, 37, xxxi ; Vispêrad, see Visparad. particulars about King V., 37, 23-5, Visrûta, n.p., 23, 217. 24 sq. 1.; family of V., 37, 97, Vîsrûtâra, o.p., 23, 216. 97 n.; Hûmâî of the family of V., Vissakamma, sve Visvakarman. 37, 220; warriors of V., 37, 227; Vîstâspa, Vistâsp, or Kai-Vistasp a priest at the renovation, 37, 262, (Pers. Gûstâsp), king, Zoroaster 355; praise of V., 37, 280 sq., 297, brought the Nasks to, 4, xxxvii; 299; is privileged, 37, 369; suitable protector of Zarathustra, champion for sovereignty on account of of Zoroastrianism, 4, Ixiii ; 18, 444, Magianship, 37, 397; descendant 444 1. ; 23, 204 sq., 306; 24, 40, 40 of Gâyômard, through the Pêsdan.; 31, 133, 142, 166 n., 169 sq., dian and Kayânian rulers, 47, x; 173, 173 n., 250; 37, 285, 389, 430; his soul in heaven, 47, xi ; sees his 47, xxi-xxiii, 43; a human incarna- future position in heaven, 47, xxiji; tion of Sraosha, 4, 101 n.; routed V. and Zoroastrian chronology, 47, Aregat-aspa (Argâsp), 5, 40, 218; xxvii; his accession, 47, xxix; his 23, 79-81, 84 ; 37, 412; 47, xi, 68 - date, 47, xxxviii sq.; those of the 70, 68 n., 72 sq., 75, 126; fire region of King V., 47, 3; revelation established at the Rôshan mountain brought to King V., 47, 15; 20under King V., 5, 63 sq., Pêshyo- roaster cures the horse of V., 47, 66, tanû, son of V., 5, 117, 142, 142 n.; 66 n.; Ashavahitô gives him Hôm 37, 203, 203 n.; his descendants, to drink, 47, 70 sq.; presented with 5, 137; son of Lôharâsp, 5, 137; a heavenly chariot by Srító, 47, 7737, 29, 29 n. ; 47, xii; was 120 81, 126; Iran after V., 47, 82, 93. years, 5, 150 ; converted by Zara- Vistauru, son of Naotara (Gustahm, thustra, 5, 187 ; 23, 78, 78 n.; 37, son of Nôdar), 23, 71 sq., 206, 206 n. 181, 230, 235, 424, 435, 442; 47, Vistîrnavatî, n, of the world of the xi, xv, XXV sq., xxx, 16, 50, 64-77, Buddha Sâlendrarâga, 21, 429. 123-5, 164; accepts the religion of Visuddhakaritra, n. of a chiet Zoroaster and destroys the idols, Bodhisattva, 21, 284. 5, 193; the golden reign of King Visva, a name of Pragâpati, 15, V., 5, 198, 212 sq., 47, 16: Fravashi 292, 304. of V. worshipped, 5, 336, 336 n.; Visvadhâyas, all-sustaining,'mystic 23, 204 sq.; 31, 273, 278; exalted name of a cow milked at the sacrilike Kai-V., 18, 90, 90 n.; his care fice, 12, 179 n., 188, 188 n. for the sacred fire, 18, 380; de- Visvakarman, 'all-doing,' mystic scended from Nôdar, the Naotaride, name of a cow milked at the sacri23, 77; 37, 262; 47, 147 ; lord office, 12, 179 1., 188, 188 n. swift horses, 23, 77, 77 n., 37, 220; Visvakarman, 1.d., Pali Vissaworships Drvâspa, 23, 117; his kamma, sent by Sakka to build a conquests, 23, 117 sq., 117 n., 279 mansion for Sudassana, 11, 264-7; sq., 306; 24, 57, 65; his wife oblations to V., 12, 408 n., 419; 30, Hutaosa, 23, 257; worships Ashi 126; 43, 266-9, 347; 44, 76 n., 77, Vanguhi, 23, 279 sq., 282; kingly 207; invoked, 26, 123; 41, 264 ; • glory clave to V., 23, 306, 308; 47, Soma libation for V. or Indra V., Digitized by Microsoft ®


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