Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 642
________________ VÎRA-VIRTUES 623 Vîra, a disciple of Asvaghosha, wrote Viragâ, river in the world of Braha treatise on non-individuality,' 19, man, 48, 648. xxxiii. Viragahprabha, n. of a Tathậgata, Virabhadra, a Ganadhara of Pârsva, 49 (ii), 66. 22, 274. Vîrâspa, son of Karesna, 23, 209. Vîrâf, had seven sisters who were as Virâta, n. of a warrior, 8, 37, 39. wives to him, 18, 397 sq. Viriyavat, see Dhîra. Virafsang, son of Tâz, 5, 132. Vîrôd religion, perhaps MohamVirag, Sk., name of a metre of ten medanism, 24, 127, 127 n. syllables, 1, 59 n.; 26, 68; 29, 145 ; Virokana and Indra as pupils of 41, 183, 196; 44, 65, 335, 335 n., Pragậpati, 1, 134-42. 403 n., 408, 418, 459; 46, 55; food Virtues: penance, liberality, rightidentified with V., 1, 59 sq. ; 30, eousness, kindness, truthfulness form 175; 43, 12, 38, 50, 54, 87, 204; the sacrificial gifts at a sacrifice per44, 291, 408, 418; resembles the formed in thought only, 1, 51; lists sacrifice (with ten utensils), 12, 11, of faults and v., 2, 78; 8, 242 sq. ; II 1.; 44, 3; an incomplete V., 12, enumeration of v. in witnesses, 7, 390 ; 26, 374; wife of Indra, 15, 49; fruits of v. lost by false evi159; connected with Manu, 25, dence, 7, 51; v. included in the Ixiv, 14; Somasads, sons of V., 25, definition of knowledge, 8, 103 ; III; Soma is of V. nature, 26, 68; truth, straightforwardness, modesty, consists of thirty syllables, 26, 112; restraint, purity, knowledge: the 43, 94, 385; 44, 291, 310n.; water, six impediments in the way of rethe milk of Padyâ V., 29, 97 sq., spect and delusion, 8, 162, 162 n.; 199, 274; 30, 129, 172; V. and a man who is a friend of all, who Svarâg, 30, 167; the atman puru- moves among all beings as if they shavidha identified with the V. of were like himself, who is self-conthe latter Vedânta, 34, cvi, cxxiii trolled, pure, free from vanity and sq. ; Varuna gained the V. metre, egoism, is released, 8, 246; day and 41, 40 n.; Agni is the V., 41, 183, night destroy the fruit of man's 196, 297; 43, 70, 87, 204; in a list righteousness in yonder world, 12, of gods, 42, 80; the shining female 344; liberality, truthfulness, and heaven (dawn), 42, 211, 667; be- sympathy are better than any pengotten by the Brahmakârin (the ances, 14, 328; the triad of subsun), 42, 215; became Indra, the duing, giving, and mercy taught as ruler, 42, 216; Prâna is V., 42, 219; Da Da Da, 15, 189 sq. ; chief v. in Vâk V., daughter of Kâma, 42, 221, the different ages, 25, 23 sq. ;—the 593 ; tigers and two-year-old kine four v., viz. truth, justice, firmness, were produced in the form of V., and liberality, 10 (ii), 31; virtue's 43, 38 sq.; the undiminished V. is the base, 35, 53, 306; how v. is the world of Indra, 43, 94; the sac- stronger than vice, 36, 144-57 ; v. rifice is V., 44, 3, 459 ; identified is the place in which Nirvana is with Srî, beauty and prosperity, 44, realized, 36, 203 sq. ; the cate65; the meeting of the Agnihotra gories of v. taught by Buddha, 36, cow and the calf is the V., 44, 81; 214 sq.; only the v. of a virtuous Indra learnt the V. from Vasishtha, man are a place of pilgrimage, 49 (i), 44, 212 ; is this earth, 44, 212; 74; v, according to Buddha's preVaruna is V., the lord of food, 44, cepts, 49 (ii), 188; see also Karman, 222; created by Pragâpati, 44, 310; Pâramitâs, Perfection, and Sîla;is the metre belonging to all the five v. of a righteous Zoroastrian, gods, 44, 351; consists of forty 4, 285–7, 286 n.; every man in this syllables, 44, 403, 403 n.; Purusha world may love v., 4, 295 ; of born from the V., and V. from liberality, truth, gratitude, wisdom, Purusha, 44, 403 sq. mindfulness, and contentment, 24, Viraga, 1. of the Buddha-field of 26; heaven the reward of v., 31, the Padmaprabha, 21, 66, 68. 390; origins of v. and vice, 37,62 ; S.B. IND. SS Digitized by Microsoft ®


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