Vidyadharagopala, founder of the Vihâras, Buddhist monasteries : Vidyadhari Sâkhâ, 22, 293.
Ananda went into the V., 11, 95 sq., Vidyâdharas, the palankin Kan 95 n.; rules about cleaning V., 13, draprabhâ adorned with a train of 158-60; 20, 272-84, 294-8; V. couples of, 22, 197; a V. entered allowed to Bhikkhus, 13, 173; built the mouth of a Dânava who had by laymen for Bhikkhus, 13, 302-5; swallowed his wife, 35, 217; a V. on the furniture allowed in the V., committed adultery with a queen, 17, 27-31; 20, 163-9, 209, 216–20; was caught, and became invisible, storerooms for robes to be ap35, 217; enemies of the Dânavas, pointed by the Samgha, 17, 201 sqq.; attendants of Siva, 35, 217, 217 n.; fastened with a bolt, 17, 234; meansouls of V., 48, 198.
ing of the word V., 17, 386 sq. n.; Vidyadharî Sakhâ of the Kau- rules about cloisters (kankama) and rika Gana, 22, 292; founded by bathrooms (gantâghara) for the Vidyâdharagopala, 22, 293.
Bhikkhus, 20, 102-13, 103 n.; rules Vidyâkara, a Brahman converted about pools and tanks for bathing, by Buddha, 49 (i), 191.
20, 114 sq.; on the building of Vidyâranya, Upanishads eferred privies in the Arâmas, 20, 154 sq.; to by, 15, ix.
on the building of V. and other Vigara (age-less'), river in the dwellings for Bhikkhus, 20, 157-63, world of Brahman, 1, 275-7; 34, 170-9, 189-91, 208--16; to give V. Ixxxi n.
to the Samgha is the best of gifts, Vigaya, king of Dvârakâvatî, be- 20, 160; pictures in V., 20, 172 sq. ;
came a Gaina monk, 45, 87, 87 n. rules about the apportioning of Vigayadevî, mother of Mandika- lodging-places in V., 20, 200-6;
putra and Mauryaputra, 22, 286 n. why should v. be built for the Vigayaghôsha, a Brâhmana, con- houseless monks? 36, 1-4; why do verted by the monk Gayaghosha, Bhikkhus trouble about superin45, 136-41.
tending buildings ? 36, 92-6; King Vigayasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 32 sq. Milinda has a V. built, the Milinda Vigñana, t.t., knowledge' or 'un Vihâra,' 36, 374. derstanding,' a name of the indivi- Viharabhûmi, see Holy places, dual soul, 34, lvi; 48, 214, 760; is Vikakshana, the throne in the the self-consciousness springing up world of Brahman, 1, 276, 277. in the embryo, 34, 404 n.; Baud- Vikarabhûmi, see Holy places. dhas maintain that only V. exists, Vikarna, a Kaurava, 8, 38. 34, 418; 48, 502; a name of the Vikâsa, t.t., expansion (of intelliinternal organ, 39, 48,82; he who gence), 34, xxix. dwells in V.,' 48, 214, 279 ; exter- Vikhanas, see Vaikhanasa-sûtra. nal things only inferred from V. or Vikitravîrya, grandson of Samtanu, ideas, 48, 500 ;-vigñânakosa, vigña. 49 (i), 138 n. namaya, he who consists of know- Vilambâ, n. of a giantess, 21, 373. ledge, the soul, 34, xxxviii, 66, 273 ; Viligi, and Aligî, snake-deities, 42, 38, 33; 48, 210, 213, 236, 384, 760. 28.
Vilikhat, a demon harassing chilVigñâna Bhikshu, acquainted with dren, 30, 211. the Anugîtâ, 8, 197, 201-4.
Village-boundaries, contiguous in Vignanaskandha, Buddhist t.t., time of peace, 44, 306 sq. group of knowledge, 34, 402, 402 n., Vimala, n.p., receives the upasam426 n.
padâ ordination from Buddha, 13, Vigñânâtman, t.t., cognitional self 110 sq.
or soul, 34, 70, 120, 124, 174, 329. Vimala, a Rishi, defeated by the Vigñanavadin, t.t., an idealist, 34, love-god, 19, 149. li, 40, 418 n.
Vimala, 1. of a Tîrthakara, 22, 280. Vigñânesvara, quotes Medhâtithi, Vimala, n. of a Bhiksliu, 49 (ii), 2. 25, cxxi.
Vimala, a world, in it the daughter
rosa, vigñâ- tilamba, n. finsnake-deiti
38, 33. Understanding. winted with
dren, 30, 211,
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