sq.; Buddha rai beluva, 11, 34 Vidagdhona; Worshipped, 31, 3.
a conqueror of foes, 23, 327; V. Vibhvan, one of the Ribhus, 32, the Ahura-given Blow of victory, 343, 345; 44, 381. worshipped, 31, 205, 215, 219, 224, Vices, conquered by King Apıbari309, 337, 337 n., 340, 348, 350, 385 sha, 8, 301-3; the v. of priests, sq., 391; slaying of Vritra,' vic- warriors, husbandien, and artitory, 32, 198.
sans, 24, 105 sq.; death better than Vesâlî (Pali), Sk. Vaisali, the city of v., 25, 224 ; about oppression and Magadha, 10 (ii), 188; Sarandada greed, 37, 105; four heinous v., 37, temple at V., 11, 4 ; Buddha at V., 177. See also Morality, and Sin. 11, 28-34, 40, 57, 59 sq.: 17, 108- Victorious Ascendancy, wor24, 210; 19, 252-67; 20, 101 sqq., shipped, 31, 197, 205, 209, 215, 219, 189, 320 sq., Buddha's followers 224, 340, 385 sq., 391. spend the rainy season round about Vîdadhafshu, worshipped, 31, 349. V., while he stays at Beluva, 11, 34 Vidagdha Sâkalya, see Såkalya. sq., Buddha praises V. and its Vidarbhî - kaundinya, 11. of a Ketiyas, 11, 40; Buddha's farewell teacher, 15, 119, 187. to V., 11, 64; 19, 282 sq. and n.; Vidârva, or Vidarva : the white Dâgaba at V., 11, 134 ; the courte horse, the son of V., 29, 131, 204, san Ambapâlî of V., 17, 105, 171 sq.; 327; 30, 238. the Likkhavis of V., 17, 106-8; see Vidas (n. of a family), make five also Likkhavis; council of V., 19, Avadâna cuttings, 12, 192 n. xi, xii, xv; 20, 386-414; the place Vîdast, n.p., 5, 141. of Buddha's Nirvana, 19, 277; Vîdat-gau, n.p., 23, 219. Buddha sets out on a journey from Videgha, see Nathava. Râgagaha to V., 20, 98; a strong- Videha: Videgha=V., 12, 104 1., hold of Gainism, 22, xiii, xvi; Mahâ- 106; Mahâvîra lived as housevîra, a native of V., 22, 264; 45, 261. holder in V., 22, 194, 256. Vesalie, i.e. Vaisâlika, Mahâvîra Videhadattâ,other name of Trisalâ, called so, 22, xi.
22, 193, 256. Vesavâtika Gana, founded by Kâ. Videhas, mentioned in the Satamarddhi, 22, 291.
patha-brâbmana, 12, xlii sq. See Vesko, progeny, slain by Keresâsp, also Kâsî-Videhas. 37, 198, 198 n.
Vidhartri: Agni addressed as V. or Vessa or Vessika, Pali for Vaisya Bhaga, 46, 186, 190.
caste, 10 (ii), x. See Vaisya. Vidhâtri, a name of the Self, 15, Vessâmitta, n. of a Rishi, 11, 172. 311; Vaisvadeva offering to V., 29, Vessantara, an earthquake caused 86, 320; invoked at the houseby his unbounded generosity, 35, building rite, 29, 347. 170-8; why did V. give away his Vidhâtu, Sraosha invoked against, wife and children? 36, 114-32; 31, 304. etymology of the name, 36, 125 sq.n. Vidhura : the Bodisat a wise man Vessavana Kuvera, see Kubera. named V., 35, 288. Vetâla, a kind of ghost, kills him who Vîdi-sravah, n.p., 23, 215. does not lay him, 45, 105.
Vîdôtu, Aêshma rushes along with, Vetaranî, see Vaitaranî.
23, 143; demon assaulting the enVethadîpa, n.pl., a Dâgaba at, 11, bryo, 23, 183, 185, 187. 132, 135.
Vidura, has a discourse with DhriVêvan, among the preparers of the tarâshtra, 8, 136, 149 sq.; though renovation of the universe, 18, 78, born from a Sûdra mother, he 78 n.
possessed knowledge of Brahman, Vibhu, the hall of Brahman, 1, 276, 34, 224, 228; 48, 338 sq. 277.
Vidut, n. of a religious book, 42, Vibhu-pramita, a name of the hall XX.
in the city of Brahman, 1, 132 n. Vidyâ, Sk. t.t. "knowledge,' 34, Vibhus: Savitri accompanied by Ixvii-lxxvi, 6, 152. See Cognition, Ribhus, V., and Vâgas, 44, 480. Knowledge, and Meditation.
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