Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 636
________________ VEDA 619 2, 1, 46 sq., 93, 158, 171, 175, 237; Vs. also, 38, 274; the members of 14, 1, 4, 143; 25, 30 sq., 508; 48, the sacrifice on which the medita426; slaughter of animals which is tions rest are taught in the three in accordance with the precepts of VS., so also the meditations, 38, 282; the V. is no slaughter at all, because the most essential subject in the V. it is from the l' that law shines forth, is the Agnihotra, 45, 137 sq.; gives 7, 170 ; 25, 175 sq.; V's. refer to rise to the knowledge of the four action (ritual), not to devotion, S, chief ends of human action, 48, 6; 16 sq., 48, 48 n., 156; 34, 24, 38 Mantras and Arthavadas, their pursqq. ; 48, 148-56; Vs. relate only pose, 48, 327-30 ; about the powers the effects of the three Qualities, 8, of the gods we know from V. only, 17, 48; Grâna-kânda and Karma- 48, 472 ; gives information as to the kânda distinguished, 8, 17, 146; 34, nature of good and evil works, 48, xxix; rejected by Buddhism, 8, 25; 487 ; doctrines of Kapila, &c., the all-comprehending Vs. are opposed to the V., 48, 520 sq.; only always concerned with sacrifices, 8, works enjoined by the V. subserve 54, 5411.; enjoin sacrifices, 8, 54, the knowledge of Brahman, 48, 522; 62; 30, 323-5; the seat which those non-acceptability of all views conwho know the V. declare to be in- trary to the V., 48, 523. See also destructible, 8, 78; an authority for Scripture, and Sruti. higher knowledge, for knowledge of (g) VEDIC SCHOOLS (KARANAS, Brahman, 8, 157, 159 ; 34, 23, 38, SÂKHÂS). 317; Vs. proclaim the difference of Influence of Sâkhâs on certain Brahman from the universe, 8, 164; Upanishads, 1, lxx ; geographical Brahman not to be seen in the four distribution of Vedic schools, 2, V's., 8, 179 sq.; attacks on their xxxiv sq.; Gautama Karanas of the authority, 8, 214; Vedic texts Sâma-veda, 2, 1 sq. ; a Parishad or appealed to as authoritative, 8, 290, a Brâhmanical school decides knotty 305, 305 n., 322 ; to deny the points with regard to V.-study, 2, authority of the V. is to destroy 44 sq. and n.; one Sâkhâ of the V. one's soul, 14,62 ; opponents of the should not invidiously be compared V. refuted, 15, 342; life of mortals, with others, 2, 113, 113 n.; there mentioned in the V., 25, 23; Sruti are Addhariya, Tittiriya, Khandoka, defined as V., 25, 31; the acts Kandava, and Brahmakariya Brâhtaught in the V., the best means of mans, 11, 171, 171 1.; Kanva and attaining supreme bliss, 25, 502 sq., Madhyandina Sâkhâs, 15, xxx ; 502 n.; cannot aim at conveying Svetâsvataras and Karakas, 15, xxxi; information about accomplished Pippalada-Sâkhâ of the Atharvasubstances, 34, 21; prohibitory veda, 15, xlii: Maitrầyanîya-sâkhî passages of the V., 34, 39 sq. and n.; of the Black Yagur-veda, 15, xliji sq., authoritativeness of V. proved from xlvii-1 ; Gana, Kula, Sakhâ, 22, its independence, basing on the 288 n.; Vedic schools supplanted original (eternal) connexion of the by schools for special branches of word with its sense, 34, 201, 295; learning, 25, xlvi-lvi; adherents of Yoga practices enjoined in the V., Rig-veda, Yagur-veda, and Sama34, 297; the real sense of the v. veda who study an entire Sâkhâ, 25, that Brahman is the cause and 102 ; Sakala and Bashkala texts, 29, matter of this world, 34, 361; 220; a Brâlmana of the Rauruki Sandilya did not find highest bliss in Sakhâ quoted, 30, 72; members of the V., 34, 443; the Blâgavata con- a Vedic school had only to digest tains passages contradictory to the their own Brâhmana and Samhitâ, V., 34, 443 ; all parts of the V. are 34, X; sacrifices performed in equally authoritative, and hence different ways by members of must all be assumed to have a mean- different Vedic schools, 34, x; in ing, 38, 156; Mantras enjoined in the same sâkhâ also there is imity one V.only, are taken over into other of vidyî, 38, 214-16; although the Digitized by Microsoft ®


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