Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford
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Vishn1, 7, 10; sin of reviling the V., the images of the Rik and Saman, 7, 135; 25, 154, 441 sq., 442 11. ; 26, 27; Rik and Sâman, the bayLakshmî resides in the sound of the steeds (of Indra), 26, 371; "the Rik V., 7, 299 ; he who rises above the art thou, the Saman 1,' 29, 36, 168, Divine word, the V., 8, 17, 73; a 282 ; 30, 190; Yagus and Saman, reservoir of water into which waters and Garutmat, 29, 49; Vs, with the flow from all sides, 8, 48, 48 1. ; the metres, invoked in danger, 29, 232; Vs, come from the Indestructible, the V. called son,' 30, 210; the 8, 54; Krishna is Om in all the Vs., four Vs. sacrificed at the medha8, 74; Krishna alone to be learnt ganana for the child, 30,213; in the from the Vs., 8, 113 sq.; Krishna V. which is not the work of man no alone knows the Vs., 8, 113; those wish can be expressed, 34, ITO; who are first in the V. are forms of from the word of the V. the world, the Brahman, 8, 161; "he about with the gods and other beings, whom the words of the V. were originates, 34, 202-4; the V. is uttered, 8, 163, 163 n.; the V. eternal, though the Rishis are the cannot save him who is tainted by makers of sections, hymns, and so sin, 8, 163 sq., 48, 592 ; constant on, 34, 211-16, 317; 48, 332-4 ; seen talk in disparagement of gods, Brâh- by men of exalted vision (rishis), 34, manas and V., is dark conduct, 8, 213, 223; the thousandfold progeny 320 ; the Brahmana makes the, of Vâk, 41, 140; diseases healed by 14, 8; the syllable Om, the Vyâ- the V., 41, 141; by Rik and Saman hritis, and the Sâvitrî are the five the gods were able to sustain Agni, V.-offerings cleansing from sin, 14, 41, 266; Riks, Samans, Atharvans, 252 ; offerings and (Tarpana) liba- Yagus, as divine beings, 42, 161; tions made to the four Vs., 14, 255, Riks and Yagus born from Time, 308, 320 ; 29, 121, 219 Sq., 325; 30, 42, 225; hymn-verses and hymn242, 244; Om, Brahman, Sun, and tunes as Apsaras, 43, 233; all the Vs. V. identified, 14, 278, 278 n., 316; enter him who knows the mystery rites securing success, connected of a Brahmakârin's life, 44, 50; with the four Vs., 14, 322 sq.; Yagus,
the Rik-texts are milk-offerings, Rik, Sâman, âdesa, and Atharvân- the Yagus-texts ghee-offerings, the giras constitute the body of the Sâman-texts Soma-offerings, the inner Self, 15, 56; breathed forth Atharvangiras - texts fat-offerings, from Brahman, 15, III, 184; 34,
the other Vedic texts honey-offer
the other ve xxxii, 19-22; 48, 386 sq.; all Vs. ings to the gods, 44, 96-8, 100 sq. ; have their centre in speech, 15, 11, imperishable are the V's., 44, 174 ; 184; Sâman and Rik, as husband the Angiras are the V., 44, 366; he and wife, 15, 220 ; 43, 14 sq.; God for whom the revolving legend at delivers the Vs. to Brahman (m.), 15, the Asvamedha is recited secures 266; all the four Vs. proceed from for himself all the Vs., 44, 370 ; V. the Self, 15. 330; what is taught in and sacrifices, being causes of sin, the Y., that is true. That is said in cannot save the sinner, 45, 140; the V., on that the wise keep their stand. Pragâpati creates the gods by means Therefore let a Brahman not read what of the V., 48, 331 sq. ; taught to is not of the 1'.. 15, 345 ; greatness Hiranyagarbha, 48, 334; the Aranof the V., 25, 12, 504-7; an atheist yaka is churned from the Vs., 48, and a scorner of the V., 25, 31, 528; of non-human origin, Aparân31 n.; sacred syllables and Savitri tatamas their teacher, 48, 529; the essence of the V., 25, 44; he Sankhya, Yoga, Vs., and Aranyakas, who cavils at the V. excluded from members of one another, 48, 530. Sraddha meals, 25, 106; "the eternal See also Revelation, and Sruti. V.' quoted, 25, 127; the V. was (f) CONTENTS AND AUTHORITY OF revealed to the sages, 25, 477, 479; THE V. in the second order of existences V. texts, either extant or lost, caused by Goodness, 25, 495, 495 11.; the sole or first source of the law,
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