V.-study, 8, 98 sq.; he who knows nexion through the V.' with outthe Asvattha tree (symbol of life), casts forbidden, 25, 37, 37 n., 105; knows the V., 8, 111, 111 sq. n.; Brahmasattra or teaching of the V., meritoriousness of V.-study and best occupation of Brâhmanas, 25, V.-knowledge, 8, 114, 167, 376; 49, 129, 129 sq. 11., 419 sq. ; who 14, 130; 25, 47, 49, 60 sq., 131, is entitled to instruction in the V., 143, 152, 307, 385, 479, 482 sq., 25, 50 sq. ; new birth through the 491, 501, 504, 507 sq. and n.; gift of the V., 25, 57 sq., 61; knowknowledge of V. with the Akhyânas, ledge of the V. more than wealth 8, 170 sq. ; pupil goes to preceptor and age, 25, 58 sq.; to be recited for Vedic learning, and performs at a Sraddha, 25, 118; prayer for the directions of the Vedic texts, increase of V.-knowledge, 25, 123; 8, 269 ; question of final emancipa- Snataka during V.-recitation keeps tion connected with knowledge of his right arm uncovered, 25, 138; V., 8, 312; 34, xxvii; imparting rules for the study of the Aranyakas, instruction, and study (of V.), are 25, 148; 29, 141-50; gift of the V. acts of the quality of passion, 8, surpasses all other gitts, 25, 165; 324; he who understands the Kshe status of men according to V.-study, tragña, understands the V., 8, 390; 25, 178 1.; to be learnt by the Brāhmanas called 'friends of the king, 25, 222; the wealth of Brâhhymns,' 10 (ii), xiii, 23; the teacher manas, 23, 398; to be learnt by the is called father because he gives three castes, to be taught by Brahinstruction in the V., 14, 9; good manas only, 25, 401 sq. and n.; conduct more important than study a performer of the Agnihotra must of the V., 14, 34 sq. ; that V., two know the whole V., 25, 437; the syllables of which are studied in foundation for the teaching of the the right manner, purifies, 14, 35; Brâhmana, 25, 447; the Gandharvas study of the V., a debt or sacrifice recite the V. to Vâk, 26, 53; people owing to the Rishis, 14, 56; 25,89; make a living by reciting the V., 49 (i), 100; sacred learning and 26, 129; teaching secret parts of austerities joined together are the V., 29, 78; study of the V. and powerful, and destroy sin, 14, prayers equivalent to sacrifice, 29, 129 sq.; touching a seller of the 159 sq.; a prayer to avoid forgetting V. defiles, 14, 171, 183; by neglect a lesson of the V., 29, 368; different of V.-study families are degraded, vows for studying the V., 29,404 sq.; 14, 175 sq. ; particular dress worn 30, 69-77, 69 n., ceremonies and when reciting certain Vedic hymns, sacrifices connected with the study 14, 187; begging allowed for the of Vedic texts, 29, 405; 30, xxviii, sake of studying the V., 14, 240; 74-6, 75 sq. n., 161, 302 sq.; TarAnasnatpârâyana, recitation of the pana at the end of the study of the whole V. during a fast, 14, 307-9; whole V., 30, 246; see also Sacrithe four Vs. belong to the lower fices (b); gift of the V., an instance kuowledge, 15, 27; secret union of of inalienable gift, 33, 314, 314 1.; teacher and pupil through the recita- Vedic texts have for their object that tion of the V., 15, 46; study of the which is dependent on Nescience, V. a means of becoming a Muni, 34, 8; men are entitled to the 13, 179; Brâhmanas seek to know study of the V., 34, 196-8; also the Self by the study of the V., 15, beings above men (gods, &c.) are 179; 48, 699, 703; meditation on qualified for the study and practice Yagus and Saman, 15, 195; Brahma of the V., 31, 198 sq. ; to the gods knows this which is hidden in the V. is manifest of itself (without Upanishads and V. as the Brahma- study), 34, 199; study of the V. germ, 15, 256; ascetics who dis- demands as its antecedent the regard the recitation of the V., 22, upanayana-ceremony, 34, 224; the xxxii; study of V. grounded on four Vs. known to Milinda, 35, desire for rewards, 25, 29; Con- 6; Nagasena, crudite in Vedic lore,
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