35, 34; story of a partridge (the Bodisat) who knew the V., 35, 286; the reading of the V. extends up to the comprehension of its purport, 38, 289; Scripture enjoins works for such only as understand the purport of the V., 38, 289; of him who has merely read the V. there is qualification for works, 38, 293; he who is unable to study his V.lesson, should at least read a single divine word or verse, 44, 99, 101; the study and teaching (of the V.) are a source of pleasure to him, he becomes ready-minded, and independent of others, and day by day he acquires wealth. He sleeps peacefully; he is the best physician for himself; and (peculiar) to him are restraint of the senses, delight in the one thing, growth of intelligence, fame, and the (task of) perfecting the people, 44, 99; 'you are only the bearer of words, as it were, you do not understand their meaning, though you have learnt the V.,' says the monk to the Brahmana, 45, 52; the V. fears that a man of little reading may do it harm, 48, 91; handed on by an unbroken succession of pupils, 48, 487; 'reading' of the V., what it means, 48, 691 sq.; student of the V., see Brahmakarin. See also Brahman (b), Giana-kânda, Karma-kânda, Knowledge, and Teacher.
the four Vs. belong to a legal assembly, 14, 20; Brahmanas versed in the V., though deformed, sanctify the company at a Srâddha, 14, 52, 266 sq.; knowledge of the V. a chief qualification for Sishtas and members of a legal assembly, 14, 143-6; 25, 510 sq.; property which the king takes from men who died without heirs should be given to men well versed in the three Vs., 14, 179; the science of Brahman to be told to those who are versed in the V., 15, 41; a wife not to be chosen from a family in which the V. is not studied, 25, 76; families prosper by study of the V., 25, 86; only Brahmanas knowing the V. shall receive alms, 25, 93; Brâhmanas learned in the V. to be entertained at Srâddhas, 25, 99 sq., 102 sq., 107, 110; student of the V. allowed to beg, 25, 430; disputes of ascetics and sorcerers should be
settled by persons versed in the three Vs., 33, 281; great merit of him who refrains from killing, even in self-defence, one who regularly recites the V., 33, 285; a person engaged in V.-study must not be put under restraint, 33, 288; persons acquainted with the V. shall be heads of associations, 33, 347; they say of him who has studied the V., 'he is like Agni,' 41, 146; works enjoined on him only who has learnt the V., 48, 689, 691 sq.
Only a Brahmana learned in the V. is fit to initiate, 2, 2; persons who have studied certain portions of the V. or in whose family the study of the V. is hereditary sanctify the company at a Srâddha, 2, 146, 146 n., 259; 7, 253 sq.; 14, 19; great meritoriousness of gifts made to Srotriyas and those who know the whole V., 2, 203, 203 n.; pardon may be given by an assemblage of persons learned in the V., 2, 245; gifts to Brahmanas who have studied the V., 7, 274 sq.; veneration due to one who has studied the V., 8, 164 n.; 25, 100 sq.; a Brâlimana unacquainted with the V. has no right to the prerogatives of his caste, 14, 16-18; four students of
Om is the beginning of all the Vs., 1, xxiv, 2; 8, 353; speculations on Rik and Sâman, 1, 2, 7 sq., 10, 12-15; lucubrations on the four Vs., as connected with the rays of the sun, 1, 38-40; are the limbs of the Brahmi-upanishad, 1, 153; speech and mind are the two pins that hold the wheels of the V., 1, 246; the great Rishi, whose belly is the Yagus, the head the Sâman, the form the Rik, is to be known as being imperishable, as being Brahman, 1, 279; Vedic texts which purify from sin, 2, 275 sq. and u.; 14, 134, 311, 321, 328, 330; the Vs. are created, 7,4; 8, 120; Vs. and Vedangas in
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