Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 629
________________ 612 .VAYU_VAZISTA 15,98; 38, 18 sq.; Udgâtri priest fied with the Yagus, 43, 336; oneidentified with V., 15, 122 sq.; is third of fire, 43, 402; is one and a everything by itself, and all things half god, 44, 117, 117 n.; heard, but together, 15, 128; conveyed the not seen, 44, 130; light is Agni, Pârikshitas to where the performers might V., glory Aditya, 44, 173; of horse-sacrifices dwell, 15, 128; Soma purified by V.'s purifier, 44, is the thread by which the worlds 225 sq.; delivers from sin, 44, 265; and allcreatures are strung together, gods of the air headed by V., 44, 15, 132 sq.; is one of the eight 291 n.; the singer of praise, 44, 312 ; Vasus, 15, 140 sq., 44, 116; quoted sacrificed as animal, 44, 319; the as a legal authority, 25, 334 ; called transformer of seeds, 44, 345; puriOrdhvanabhas, son of the Maruts, fies the burial-ground, 44, 431; 26, 198, 198 n.; finds out that Vritra purifies by blowing, 44, 457; V. is slain, 26, 265; leader of beasts, and the atmosphere are immortal, 26, 361 sq.; 43, 75 ; lord or ruler 48, 568; Agni, V., and Aditya, see of the air, Nabhasaspati, 26, 453 n.; Agni (b); Indra and V., see Indra (e). 29, 280 ; 42, 499; 43, xx, 43 sq., See also Wind. 4411., 208, 382 ; dwells in the womb (6) WORSHIP OF V. of the regions, 29, 45; 30, 199; V. invoked for protection, &c. aerial serpents belonging to V., 29, 2, 114; 7, 86 n.; 15, 334 ; 29, 41, 328 sq.; the swiftest god, the swift- 44, 184, 210, 232, 280, 288, 301, est of all beings, exists in the three 398; 30, 61, 188, 197; 32, 445 ; worlds, 29, 335; 43, 61; 44, 278; 42, 54, 128, 140; 43, 43, 44, 316 ; 48, 330; Yagus, V., air, breath, 46, 44; Agnihotra libation to V., 30, 152 sq., 231; has made a fruit 12, 327, 334 ; 44, 81, 81 n.; offerfall from a tree, 30, 180; is the sur- ings to V., 12, 446 ; 26, 195, 265-9, veyor of food offered to the an- 277 sq. ; 29, 320 sq. 388; 30, 22, cestors, 30, 228; the lord of aerial 51, 123; 44, 77, 77 n., 84, 209, 345, beings, 30, 237; comes to the offer- 347, 5051).; the warp of the Dîking on quick racers, on his chariot, shita's cloth belongs to V., 26, 9; 32, 444; yokes the two ruddy worshipped at the Tarpana, 29, 121, horses to the chariot, 32, 444; 149 ; 30, 243; student worships V. father of the Maruts, 32, 444, 448; as lord of the vow, 30, 156; inV. and Prâna not to be identified, vited to the Soma, 32, 440, 444 sq.; 34, Ixxiv; 38, 256-9; having be- Indra and V. invoked jointly, 32, come breath, V. entered into the 440; hymns to V., 32, 440-8; innostrils, 38,91; is the best among voked as Vata, 32, 450 sq. ; an obthe Devas, 38, 256; created, 41, ject of worship, 38, 19; animal 148; V. and the Rudras, 41, 149 n., sacrifice for V. Niyutvat, 41, 173-8, 150; identified with Pragâpati, 184; V.'s layer of the fire-altar, 43, Agni, and the Sacrificer, 41, 152, 81; he-goat killed at the building 284; 43, 57 sq., 363; V. and Ugra of the fire-altar for V., 44, xxxviii identical, 41, 160; V. Mâtari. sq., 371 n.; worshipped at the Asvasvan is the wind, 41, 221; frees medha, 44, 281, 300, 316; worfrom misfortune, 42,51; companion shipped under the name of Ocean, of cattle, 42, 142 sq., 304; Visva- 44, 479 ; offering of a white animal karman is V., 43, 6, 106 ; is all the to V., 48, 626 sq. light in the air-world, 43, 47 sq.; Vâyubhûti, n. of a Gaina monk, 22, the support of all beings, 43, 66; 286. the second Visvagyotis, 43, 130 ; V. Vayupurâna, to be recited at the or wind, and sky are close together, Asvamedha, 44, 369 n. 43, 140 sq. ; is of trishtubh nature, Vasaspa, n.p., 23, 206. 43, 142; is the self (body) of all the Vâzista or Vâzist fire, the lightning, gods, 43, 179, 44, 505 ; deity of 4, 223; 5, 28, 28 n. ; 24, 133, Vikhandas metre, 43, 331; the 133 n.; opposes the demon Apâôsh, waters are his food, 43, 335; identi- 5,171. Digitized by Microsoft ®


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