Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 626
________________ VASISHTHA-VASUDEVA 609 as teacher, 232, xlvi D.; Gana, 22, 292 :.t., 'sho Sudas, 25, 273, 273 n. ; 33, 98, 98 tha, wear braided hair, 32, 424. 1.; formerly only priests of the V. See also Vâsetthas. fainily could be Brahmans, 26, 434 Vâsishthas, a school of the Sanan.; 44, 212; worshipped at the veda, 14, xy n. Tarpana, 29, 122, 220; 30, 244; Vâsishthî = Yasâ, wife of the Purohonoured as teacher, 29, 141; im- hita Bhrigu, 45, 65 sq. precations against V., 32, xlvi p.; Vâsishthiya Sakha of the Mânava quoted by Nárada, on lawful interest, Gana, 22, 292. 33, 66; accused of witchcraft, 33, Vasor dhârâ, t.t., 'shower of wealth' 98; 42, 1; the son of Brahman's oblation, 43, 21; sq.; its mystic mind, having parted from his former meaning, 43, 221 sq. See also Sacribody in consequence of the curse fices (i). of Nimi, was, on the order of Vassa, V. rules, see Monks, and Brahman, again procreated by Rainy season. Mitra and Varuna, 38, 235; Indra Vassakâra, n. of a Brahman), primemakes V. his Brahman priest, 42, minister of Magadha, 11, 2-5 ; Ix; a Brahman and Purohita, 42, Sunidha and V., the ministers of lxv; V. and the Atharva-veda, Magadha, who build Pâtaliputta, 42, Ixv, Ixv n.; steals food in the 11, 18-21; 17, 101 sqq. house of Varuna, 42, 372; is the Vâstavya, a name of Rudra, the breath, 43, 5; on the relation be- god of cattle, 12, 200 sq. tween Varuna and Indra, 44, xxii; Vâstoshpati, n.d., 'lord of the V. taught Indra the Virag, and homestead," prayers and offerings Indra taught V. the expiation rites to, 25, 91, 91n.; 29, 85 ; 30, 95, of a Soma-sacrifice, 44, 212; 158; 41, 43 D. ; 42, 640 ; sacrifice teacher of Parâsara, 48, 92 ; had to V. on entering a new house, 29, reached intuition of the highest 95 sq. ; worshipped at house-buildtruth, yet entered after death on ing rites, 29, 215, 346 sq., 429; 30, other embodiments, 48, 650 sq.; 123, 205 sq.; the genius of home, could not arrange the Vedas, 49 42, 135, 343, +94 sq. i), 9. Vasu, see Vasus. Vâsishtha-Dharma-sâstra, or V.- Vasubandhu, composed a conDharma-sútra: relation between mentary on the Saddharma-pundathe Baudhayana, V., and Gautama- rîka, his date, 21, xxii; refers to Dlarma-sûtras, 2, liii, lvii–lx ; its the Milindapañha, 36, xvii. relation to other works on Dharma, Vasudeva, king of Sauryapura, 45, 7, xvi-xx; 14, xvii-xxv; connected 112 sq., 115 sq. with the Rishi Vasishtha of the Vâsudeva, n. of Krishna, 8, 75, 91, Rig-veda, 14, xi sq.; belongs to 98, 130, 230, 235, 254, 310, 312, one of the schools of the Rig-veda, 393; is everything, 8, 75 ; appears 14, xii-xV; 25, 613; its position in in four forms, as V., Sankarshana, Vedic literature, 14, xiji, xv-xvii, Pradyumna, Aniruddha, 11, 267 n.; xix, xxvii; its date, 14, XV, XXV- 34, 440 sq.; called bhagavat, the xxvii; its home in Northern India, highest Lord, is the highest Brah14, xvi, xxvii; portions of the man, and the highest cause, 34, work not genuine, 14, xxi-xxv; xxiii, li, 440; 48, 23, 87, 127, 524 text and translation, 14, xxvii sq., sq., 527, 529; from V. originated 1-140; quotes a Mânava Dharma- Sankarshana, 34, li; a surname of sútra, 25, xxii, xxxi-xxxiv ; quoted Kapila, who burned the sons of in Manu-smriti, 25, xxix sq., 278, Sagara, 34, 294; to be worshipped, 278 n. 34, 440; the only real essence, 34, Vâsishtha gotra, Trisalâ of the, 22, 442; dialogue of V. and Arguna on 191, 193, 226, 230; Sthaviras of knowledge originating in a future the V. gotra, 22, 286, 288, 290, 292, life, 38, 328 sq. ; the god with the 294. conch, discus, and club, who fights Vasishthas, descendants of Vasish- with an irresistible strength, has S.B. IND. Rr Digitized by Microsoft ®


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